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Grow Rich with the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

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From the renowned bestselling author of The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, an authorized collection of writings that unlock the secret to extraordinary success that lies within each of us

Millions of readers have embraced Joseph Murphy's writings, including the phenomenal bestseller The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, a beloved classic that sits alongside the works of Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, and Norman Vincent Peale. This new collection, authorized by the Joseph Murphy Trust, focuses on prosperity - and the simple yet powerful ways we can focus our attention and beliefs to achieve life goals, obtain riches, and live the life of our dreams.

Whether you are a longtime reader of Murphy's insights or are discovering his work for the first time, this powerful and deceptively simple volume will illuminate the path to success. Comprised of original writings including some that have never been published in book form, along with modern-day updates, examples, and insights for the contemporary reader, the book goes beyond what we've already heard about the Law of Attraction and the power of positive thinking to reveal the ability that each of us has to manifest remarkable change in our lives.

chapter 1

Understand How the Subconscious Mind Works to Create Wealth

Your subconscious mind is like a genie in a bottle-whatever you desire and believe true, your subconscious mind will find a way to bring it to fruition. If you desire and believe you will be blessed with good health, prosperity, and fulfilling relationships, you will be. If, on the other hand, you expect or fear illness, poverty, and loneliness, those will be your fate. To get what you want out of life, first you must learn how the subconscious mind functions.

The whole world and all its treasures-the sea, the air, the earth, all living and nonliving things seen and unseen-were here when you were born. Begin to think of the untold and undiscovered riches all around you, waiting for the intelligence to bring them forth. Look at wealth as the air you breathe. Develop that attitude of mind. Ralph Waldo Emerson expressed this succinctly when asked by a woman how she could prosper. He took her down to the ocean and said, "Take a look." She said, "Oh, there's plenty of water, isn't there?" He said, "Look at wealth that way and you'll always have it."

Realize that wealth is like a tide forever flowing out, forever flowing back. A sales manager said to me that an associate of his sold a million-dollar idea for expansion to the organization. You can have an idea worth a fortune, too. Wealth is a thought image in your mind. Wealth is an idea in your mind. Wealth is a mental attitude.

You can have an idea worth a fortune. Moreover, you are here to release the splendor within you and surround yourself with luxury, beauty, and the riches of life. But you must develop the right attitude toward money, wealth, food, clothing, travel, and all things good and desirable. When you truly make friends with wealth, you will always have a surplus of it.

Many people mistakenly believe that you can feel wealthy only when you are in possession of riches. However, the contrary is true; you attract riches only when you feel wealthy. Waiting or hoping for money to come your way is a trap. You must take the leap of faith; you must live in expectancy and gratitude of the wealth you imagine before you can begin to attract what you desire.

Look upon money as a divine idea, maintaining the economic health of the nations of the world. When money is circulating freely in your life, you are economically healthy in the same manner as when your blood is circulating freely, you are free from congestion. Begin now to see money in its true significance and role in life as a symbol of exchange. That's all it is. It has taken many forms down through the ages. Money to you should mean freedom from want. It should mean beauty, luxury, abundance, sense of security, and refinement. You are entitled to it. It is normal and natural for you to desire a fuller, richer, happier, and more wonderful life.

Are some people destined or chosen to experience and to enjoy riches of this world, while others are destined to suffer hardship and deprivation? Absolutely not. We define our own destiny. We receive what we think and truly believe and accept is ours to be, to do, and to have. The Divine Power and Presence within us continuously models and fashions the conditions and circumstances of our daily lives according to the conscious thoughts we impress upon our subconscious minds as images, feelings, and beliefs.

Why the Rich Get Richer

and the Poor Get Poorer

Those who enjoy the true abundance and prosperity of life are those who are aware of the creative power of mind, thought, and belief. As they continually impress their deeper minds with ideas of spiritual, mental, and material abundance-prosperity and plenty-that deeper mind automatically causes abundance to be objectified in their experience.

This is the great and Divine Law of Life-operative and effective in everyone. This has always and ever will be true. Our deep-seated, heartfelt beliefs become manifest as experiences, events, and conditions. They become objectified experience-in accordance with the nature of our ideations.

If we are aware and convinced that we are alive in a generous, intelligent, infinitely productive universe-given and governed by a loving Force or a Cosmic Power-our conviction will be reflected in our circumstances and activities.

Likewise, if my dominant conviction is, "I am not worthy of infinite universal wealth," that I'm doomed or fated to remain without, that wealth is for others but not me, then this conviction will be reflected in my circumstances and activities.

These two opposing concepts or beliefs are the primary determinants of whether we are rich in material abundance, or poor. Thoughts of abundance produce abundance; thoughts of lack produce lack. That is why "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer."

Disciplined Thinking

I know thinking of abundance and wealth when you are poor requires some doing. I also know it can be done. It requires sustained and continuous belief that it will come to pass. The person who practices this disciplined thinking will inevitably achieve wealth.

The key phrase is "disciplined thinking." Discipline of the mind begins when we are eager, willing, yearning for Truth. It requires no more and no less than that we examine and understand our heartfelt beliefs, opinions, ideals, and aspirations. This, too, is within the realm of possibility. We must renew our mind, think in a new way.

A young woman, a very good writer who had had several articles accepted for publication, said to me, "I don't write for money." I said to her, "What's wrong with money?" It's true you don't write for money, but labor is worthy of its hire. What you write inspires, lifts up, and encourages others. When you adopt the right attitude, financial compensation will automatically come to you freely and copiously.

She actually disliked money. Once she referred to money as "filthy lucre," going back, I suppose, to the early days when she heard her mother or somebody say that money is evil, or that the love of money is the root of all evil, all these things without any understanding at all. It's a rank superstition to say money is evil or to refer to it as filthy lucre. This woman had a subconscious pattern that there was some virtue in poverty. There isn't. I explained to her that there was no evil in the universe-that good and evil were in the thoughts and motivations of people. All evil comes from misinterpretations of life and misuse of the laws of mind.

If you want money, be friendly with money and you will never lack it. When money is in circulation, times are prosperous. When people begin to brood and worry, fear-the ugly monster-raises its head and a depression or recession sets in. It is all purely psychological. There is no shortage in nature. Nature is lavish, extravagant, and bountiful. It has been said that the amount of fruit that falls to the ground and rots in the tropics every year would feed the whole world. Shortages are due to abuse of nature's bounty and our failures in distribution.

The only evil is ignorance; the only consequence is suffering. It would be foolish to pronounce gold, platinum, silver, nickel, or copper evil. How absurd, grotesque, and stupid that is. The only difference between one substance and another is the number and rate of motions of electrons revolving around the central nucleus.

To overcome her irrational hatred of money, this woman practiced a simple technique, which multiplied wealth in her experience; she repeated the following affirmation daily:

My writings go forth to bless, heal, inspire, elevate, and dignify the minds and hearts of men and women. I am divinely compensated in a wonderful way. I look upon money as Divine Substance, for everything is made from the One Spirit. I know matter and Spirit are one. Money is constantly circulating in my life, and I use it wisely and constructively. Money flows to me freely, joyously, and endlessly. Money is an idea in the mind of the Divine. It is good and very good.

That's a wonderful affirmation. It eradicates that superstitious nonsense about money being evil and that there is some virtue in poverty, or that God loves the poor more than He loves the rich. This young lady's changed attitude toward money has worked wonders in her life. Her income has tripled in three months, which was just the beginning of her financial prosperity. Such a change in attitude toward money can work similar wonders in your life, too.

Some years ago, I talked with a clergyman who had a very good following. He had an excellent knowledge of the laws of mind and was able to impart this knowledge to others. But he could never make ends meet. He had what he thought was a good alibi for his plight by quoting "Money is the root of all evil," forgetting that the Omnipotent gives riches to people so they can help others. People are encouraged to place their trust or faith in the Intelligent Life Force that gives us richly all things to enjoy.

Love is to give your allegiance, loyalty, and faith to the Source of all things, which is the Living Spirit or the Life Principle in you. You are not, therefore, to give your allegiance, loyalty, and trust to created things, but to the Creator, the Eternal Source of everything in the universe, the Source of your own breath, the Source of your life, the Source of the hair on your head, the Source of your heartbeat, the Source of the sun and the moon and the stars, the Source of the world and the earth you walk on.

If you say, "All I want is money, nothing else, nothing but money matters," you can get it, of course, but you are here to lead a balanced life. You must also claim peace, harmony, beauty, guidance, love, joy, and wholeness in all aspects of your life. How can you live without courage, faith, love, goodwill, and joy in this world today? There is nothing wrong with money, not a thing in the world, but that's not the sole aim in life. To make money the sole aim in life would constitute an error, a wrong choice. There wouldn't be anything evil in it, but you would be imbalanced and lopsided.

You must express your hidden talents. You must find your true place in life. You must experience the joy of contributing to the growth, happiness, and success of others. We are all here to give. Give of your talents to the world. The All Powerful gave you everything, including the Divine Power within you. You have a tremendous debt to pay, because you owe everything you have to the Infinite; therefore, you are here to give life and love and truth to your ideals, your dreams, and your aspirations. You are here to row the boat, put your hands on the wheel, and contribute to the success and happiness not only of your children but also of the world.

To accumulate money to the exclusion of everything else causes one to become imbalanced, lopsided, and frustrated. Yes, as you apply the laws of your subconscious in the right way, you can have all the money you want and still have peace of mind, harmony, wholeness, and serenity. You can do a lot of good with it. You can use it wisely, judiciously, and constructively, like anything in nature. You can use your knowledge, your philosophy in a constructive way, or you can begin to brainwash impressionable minds with self-limiting thoughts and beliefs.

I pointed out to this minister how he was completely misinterpreting the scripture in pronouncing metals (coins) or pieces of paper evil, when these were neutral substances, for there is nothing good but thinking makes it so. He began to see all the good he could do with more money for his wife, family, and parishioners. He changed his attitude and let go of his superstition. He began to claim boldly, regularly, and systematically:

Infinite Spirit reveals better ways for me to serve. I am inspired and illumined from On High, and I give a Divine transfusion, a faith, and confidence in the One presence and power to all those who hear me. I look upon money as a divine idea, and it is constantly circulating in my life and that of all the people who surround me. We use it wisely, judiciously, and constructively under the guidance and wisdom of the Supreme Life Force.

This young clergyman made a habit of this affirmation knowing that it would activate the powers of his subconscious mind. Today he has a beautiful church, which he wanted (the people built it for him). He has a radio program and all the money he needs for his personal, worldly, and cultural needs. I can assure you he no longer criticizes money. If you do, it will fly away from you, because you are condemning that which you desire.

The Four-Step Process

Follow this technique, which I am going to outline for you, and you will never want for wealth all the days of your life, for it is the master key to wealth.

Step 1: Reason it out in your mind that the Life Principle or the Living Spirit is the Source of the universe, the galaxies in space, and everything seen and unseen: the stars in the sky, the mountains, the lakes, the deposits in the earth and the sea, all animals and plants, the air we breathe, and all forces of nature. The Life Principle gave birth to you, and all the powers, qualities, and attributes of this Life Principle are within you. Come to a simple conclusion that everything you see and are aware of came out of the invisible mind of the Infinite, or the Life Principle, and that everything ever invented, created, or made came out of the invisible human mind; and the human mind and the mind of the Divine are one, for there is only one mind. That mind is common to all people. Everyone is an inlet and outlet to all that is.

Come now to a clear-cut decision that the Life Force is the Source of your supply of energy, vitality, health, creative ideas, the Source of the sun, the air you breathe, the apple you eat, and the money in your pocket. For everything is made inside and out of the invisible. It is as easy for the Life Force to become wealth in your life as it is for It to become a blade of grass or a crystal of snow.

Step 2: Decide now to engrave in your subconscious mind the idea of wealth. Ideas are conveyed to the subconscious by repetition, faith, and expectancy. By repeating a thought pattern or an act over and over, it becomes automatic; and your subconscious, being compulsive, will be compelled to express wealth. The pattern is the same as learning to walk, swim, play the piano, type, or drive a car. You must believe in what you are affirming. It is not mumbo jumbo; it is not idle affirmation. You must believe in what you are affirming, like you believe that when you plant seeds in the ground they grow after their kind. Whatever you desire and imagine are the seeds deposited in your subconscious mind.

A native of Ireland who resettled in America, Joseph Murphy, Ph.D., D.D., (1898-1981) was a prolific and widely admired New Thought minister and writer, best known for his motivational classic The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, an international bestseller since it first appeared onto the self-help scene in 1963. A popular speaker, Murphy lectured on both American coasts and in Europe, Asia, and South Africa. He wrote widely and his many books and pamphlets on the auto-suggestive and metaphysical faculties of the human mind have entered multiple editions, including the renowed How to Attract Money. Murphy is considered one of the pioneering voices of affirmative-thinking philosophy. View titles by Joseph Murphy


From the renowned bestselling author of The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, an authorized collection of writings that unlock the secret to extraordinary success that lies within each of us

Millions of readers have embraced Joseph Murphy's writings, including the phenomenal bestseller The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, a beloved classic that sits alongside the works of Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, and Norman Vincent Peale. This new collection, authorized by the Joseph Murphy Trust, focuses on prosperity - and the simple yet powerful ways we can focus our attention and beliefs to achieve life goals, obtain riches, and live the life of our dreams.

Whether you are a longtime reader of Murphy's insights or are discovering his work for the first time, this powerful and deceptively simple volume will illuminate the path to success. Comprised of original writings including some that have never been published in book form, along with modern-day updates, examples, and insights for the contemporary reader, the book goes beyond what we've already heard about the Law of Attraction and the power of positive thinking to reveal the ability that each of us has to manifest remarkable change in our lives.


chapter 1

Understand How the Subconscious Mind Works to Create Wealth

Your subconscious mind is like a genie in a bottle-whatever you desire and believe true, your subconscious mind will find a way to bring it to fruition. If you desire and believe you will be blessed with good health, prosperity, and fulfilling relationships, you will be. If, on the other hand, you expect or fear illness, poverty, and loneliness, those will be your fate. To get what you want out of life, first you must learn how the subconscious mind functions.

The whole world and all its treasures-the sea, the air, the earth, all living and nonliving things seen and unseen-were here when you were born. Begin to think of the untold and undiscovered riches all around you, waiting for the intelligence to bring them forth. Look at wealth as the air you breathe. Develop that attitude of mind. Ralph Waldo Emerson expressed this succinctly when asked by a woman how she could prosper. He took her down to the ocean and said, "Take a look." She said, "Oh, there's plenty of water, isn't there?" He said, "Look at wealth that way and you'll always have it."

Realize that wealth is like a tide forever flowing out, forever flowing back. A sales manager said to me that an associate of his sold a million-dollar idea for expansion to the organization. You can have an idea worth a fortune, too. Wealth is a thought image in your mind. Wealth is an idea in your mind. Wealth is a mental attitude.

You can have an idea worth a fortune. Moreover, you are here to release the splendor within you and surround yourself with luxury, beauty, and the riches of life. But you must develop the right attitude toward money, wealth, food, clothing, travel, and all things good and desirable. When you truly make friends with wealth, you will always have a surplus of it.

Many people mistakenly believe that you can feel wealthy only when you are in possession of riches. However, the contrary is true; you attract riches only when you feel wealthy. Waiting or hoping for money to come your way is a trap. You must take the leap of faith; you must live in expectancy and gratitude of the wealth you imagine before you can begin to attract what you desire.

Look upon money as a divine idea, maintaining the economic health of the nations of the world. When money is circulating freely in your life, you are economically healthy in the same manner as when your blood is circulating freely, you are free from congestion. Begin now to see money in its true significance and role in life as a symbol of exchange. That's all it is. It has taken many forms down through the ages. Money to you should mean freedom from want. It should mean beauty, luxury, abundance, sense of security, and refinement. You are entitled to it. It is normal and natural for you to desire a fuller, richer, happier, and more wonderful life.

Are some people destined or chosen to experience and to enjoy riches of this world, while others are destined to suffer hardship and deprivation? Absolutely not. We define our own destiny. We receive what we think and truly believe and accept is ours to be, to do, and to have. The Divine Power and Presence within us continuously models and fashions the conditions and circumstances of our daily lives according to the conscious thoughts we impress upon our subconscious minds as images, feelings, and beliefs.

Why the Rich Get Richer

and the Poor Get Poorer

Those who enjoy the true abundance and prosperity of life are those who are aware of the creative power of mind, thought, and belief. As they continually impress their deeper minds with ideas of spiritual, mental, and material abundance-prosperity and plenty-that deeper mind automatically causes abundance to be objectified in their experience.

This is the great and Divine Law of Life-operative and effective in everyone. This has always and ever will be true. Our deep-seated, heartfelt beliefs become manifest as experiences, events, and conditions. They become objectified experience-in accordance with the nature of our ideations.

If we are aware and convinced that we are alive in a generous, intelligent, infinitely productive universe-given and governed by a loving Force or a Cosmic Power-our conviction will be reflected in our circumstances and activities.

Likewise, if my dominant conviction is, "I am not worthy of infinite universal wealth," that I'm doomed or fated to remain without, that wealth is for others but not me, then this conviction will be reflected in my circumstances and activities.

These two opposing concepts or beliefs are the primary determinants of whether we are rich in material abundance, or poor. Thoughts of abundance produce abundance; thoughts of lack produce lack. That is why "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer."

Disciplined Thinking

I know thinking of abundance and wealth when you are poor requires some doing. I also know it can be done. It requires sustained and continuous belief that it will come to pass. The person who practices this disciplined thinking will inevitably achieve wealth.

The key phrase is "disciplined thinking." Discipline of the mind begins when we are eager, willing, yearning for Truth. It requires no more and no less than that we examine and understand our heartfelt beliefs, opinions, ideals, and aspirations. This, too, is within the realm of possibility. We must renew our mind, think in a new way.

A young woman, a very good writer who had had several articles accepted for publication, said to me, "I don't write for money." I said to her, "What's wrong with money?" It's true you don't write for money, but labor is worthy of its hire. What you write inspires, lifts up, and encourages others. When you adopt the right attitude, financial compensation will automatically come to you freely and copiously.

She actually disliked money. Once she referred to money as "filthy lucre," going back, I suppose, to the early days when she heard her mother or somebody say that money is evil, or that the love of money is the root of all evil, all these things without any understanding at all. It's a rank superstition to say money is evil or to refer to it as filthy lucre. This woman had a subconscious pattern that there was some virtue in poverty. There isn't. I explained to her that there was no evil in the universe-that good and evil were in the thoughts and motivations of people. All evil comes from misinterpretations of life and misuse of the laws of mind.

If you want money, be friendly with money and you will never lack it. When money is in circulation, times are prosperous. When people begin to brood and worry, fear-the ugly monster-raises its head and a depression or recession sets in. It is all purely psychological. There is no shortage in nature. Nature is lavish, extravagant, and bountiful. It has been said that the amount of fruit that falls to the ground and rots in the tropics every year would feed the whole world. Shortages are due to abuse of nature's bounty and our failures in distribution.

The only evil is ignorance; the only consequence is suffering. It would be foolish to pronounce gold, platinum, silver, nickel, or copper evil. How absurd, grotesque, and stupid that is. The only difference between one substance and another is the number and rate of motions of electrons revolving around the central nucleus.

To overcome her irrational hatred of money, this woman practiced a simple technique, which multiplied wealth in her experience; she repeated the following affirmation daily:

My writings go forth to bless, heal, inspire, elevate, and dignify the minds and hearts of men and women. I am divinely compensated in a wonderful way. I look upon money as Divine Substance, for everything is made from the One Spirit. I know matter and Spirit are one. Money is constantly circulating in my life, and I use it wisely and constructively. Money flows to me freely, joyously, and endlessly. Money is an idea in the mind of the Divine. It is good and very good.

That's a wonderful affirmation. It eradicates that superstitious nonsense about money being evil and that there is some virtue in poverty, or that God loves the poor more than He loves the rich. This young lady's changed attitude toward money has worked wonders in her life. Her income has tripled in three months, which was just the beginning of her financial prosperity. Such a change in attitude toward money can work similar wonders in your life, too.

Some years ago, I talked with a clergyman who had a very good following. He had an excellent knowledge of the laws of mind and was able to impart this knowledge to others. But he could never make ends meet. He had what he thought was a good alibi for his plight by quoting "Money is the root of all evil," forgetting that the Omnipotent gives riches to people so they can help others. People are encouraged to place their trust or faith in the Intelligent Life Force that gives us richly all things to enjoy.

Love is to give your allegiance, loyalty, and faith to the Source of all things, which is the Living Spirit or the Life Principle in you. You are not, therefore, to give your allegiance, loyalty, and trust to created things, but to the Creator, the Eternal Source of everything in the universe, the Source of your own breath, the Source of your life, the Source of the hair on your head, the Source of your heartbeat, the Source of the sun and the moon and the stars, the Source of the world and the earth you walk on.

If you say, "All I want is money, nothing else, nothing but money matters," you can get it, of course, but you are here to lead a balanced life. You must also claim peace, harmony, beauty, guidance, love, joy, and wholeness in all aspects of your life. How can you live without courage, faith, love, goodwill, and joy in this world today? There is nothing wrong with money, not a thing in the world, but that's not the sole aim in life. To make money the sole aim in life would constitute an error, a wrong choice. There wouldn't be anything evil in it, but you would be imbalanced and lopsided.

You must express your hidden talents. You must find your true place in life. You must experience the joy of contributing to the growth, happiness, and success of others. We are all here to give. Give of your talents to the world. The All Powerful gave you everything, including the Divine Power within you. You have a tremendous debt to pay, because you owe everything you have to the Infinite; therefore, you are here to give life and love and truth to your ideals, your dreams, and your aspirations. You are here to row the boat, put your hands on the wheel, and contribute to the success and happiness not only of your children but also of the world.

To accumulate money to the exclusion of everything else causes one to become imbalanced, lopsided, and frustrated. Yes, as you apply the laws of your subconscious in the right way, you can have all the money you want and still have peace of mind, harmony, wholeness, and serenity. You can do a lot of good with it. You can use it wisely, judiciously, and constructively, like anything in nature. You can use your knowledge, your philosophy in a constructive way, or you can begin to brainwash impressionable minds with self-limiting thoughts and beliefs.

I pointed out to this minister how he was completely misinterpreting the scripture in pronouncing metals (coins) or pieces of paper evil, when these were neutral substances, for there is nothing good but thinking makes it so. He began to see all the good he could do with more money for his wife, family, and parishioners. He changed his attitude and let go of his superstition. He began to claim boldly, regularly, and systematically:

Infinite Spirit reveals better ways for me to serve. I am inspired and illumined from On High, and I give a Divine transfusion, a faith, and confidence in the One presence and power to all those who hear me. I look upon money as a divine idea, and it is constantly circulating in my life and that of all the people who surround me. We use it wisely, judiciously, and constructively under the guidance and wisdom of the Supreme Life Force.

This young clergyman made a habit of this affirmation knowing that it would activate the powers of his subconscious mind. Today he has a beautiful church, which he wanted (the people built it for him). He has a radio program and all the money he needs for his personal, worldly, and cultural needs. I can assure you he no longer criticizes money. If you do, it will fly away from you, because you are condemning that which you desire.

The Four-Step Process

Follow this technique, which I am going to outline for you, and you will never want for wealth all the days of your life, for it is the master key to wealth.

Step 1: Reason it out in your mind that the Life Principle or the Living Spirit is the Source of the universe, the galaxies in space, and everything seen and unseen: the stars in the sky, the mountains, the lakes, the deposits in the earth and the sea, all animals and plants, the air we breathe, and all forces of nature. The Life Principle gave birth to you, and all the powers, qualities, and attributes of this Life Principle are within you. Come to a simple conclusion that everything you see and are aware of came out of the invisible mind of the Infinite, or the Life Principle, and that everything ever invented, created, or made came out of the invisible human mind; and the human mind and the mind of the Divine are one, for there is only one mind. That mind is common to all people. Everyone is an inlet and outlet to all that is.

Come now to a clear-cut decision that the Life Force is the Source of your supply of energy, vitality, health, creative ideas, the Source of the sun, the air you breathe, the apple you eat, and the money in your pocket. For everything is made inside and out of the invisible. It is as easy for the Life Force to become wealth in your life as it is for It to become a blade of grass or a crystal of snow.

Step 2: Decide now to engrave in your subconscious mind the idea of wealth. Ideas are conveyed to the subconscious by repetition, faith, and expectancy. By repeating a thought pattern or an act over and over, it becomes automatic; and your subconscious, being compulsive, will be compelled to express wealth. The pattern is the same as learning to walk, swim, play the piano, type, or drive a car. You must believe in what you are affirming. It is not mumbo jumbo; it is not idle affirmation. You must believe in what you are affirming, like you believe that when you plant seeds in the ground they grow after their kind. Whatever you desire and imagine are the seeds deposited in your subconscious mind.


A native of Ireland who resettled in America, Joseph Murphy, Ph.D., D.D., (1898-1981) was a prolific and widely admired New Thought minister and writer, best known for his motivational classic The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, an international bestseller since it first appeared onto the self-help scene in 1963. A popular speaker, Murphy lectured on both American coasts and in Europe, Asia, and South Africa. He wrote widely and his many books and pamphlets on the auto-suggestive and metaphysical faculties of the human mind have entered multiple editions, including the renowed How to Attract Money. Murphy is considered one of the pioneering voices of affirmative-thinking philosophy. View titles by Joseph Murphy