One of three classic reissues by the mega-selling author of The Power of Your Subconscious Mind to inaugurate TarcherPerigee's exciting new line, The Joseph Murphy Library of Success!

Here is your invitation to command the Eternal Force that will bring vast abundance and goodness in your life. Joseph Murphy's guidebook features all of the ancient prayers, techniques, and meditations for calling upon the Great Power of the Universe--the Eternal Force that will act on your heartfelt desires and lead you into a cosmic view of life.

How the Cosmic Energizer Can Create Riches and Abundance for You

There is only One Fundamental Energy in the world, a Cosmic Energizer, and each one of us is a channel through which this Force is seeking a creative outlet. It is necessary that we become clear channels for the flow of this Divine Energy. Each one of us is a focal point of the Divine, somewhat as an electric bulb may be looked upon as a focal point for the flow of electric current.

This Cosmic Energizer flows harmoniously, peacefully, rhythmically and joyously, and when we let this power flow constructively through us, we are acting in harmony with the Cosmic Energizer, and we will manifest harmony, health, peace and all the riches of the Infinite in our lives. Whenever we indulge in remorse, self-condemnation, resentment or any form of negative thinking, the Divine Energy becomes trapped within us and produces all sorts of trouble.

How to Channel the Riches of the Infinite

The following is a wonderful method for the release of the Cosmic Energizer in you: "I forgive myself for harboring any negative thoughts about myself or anybody else, and I resolve not to do so any more. I radiate love and goodwill to all men and women and to all people everywhere. I know when I have forgiven others, because I can think of them or meet them in my mind and there is absolutely no sting there." This attitude makes a clear and open channel for the Divine Energy.

Pray as follows: "I claim that God's love, light, harmony, truth, beauty, abundance and security flow through me freely and joyously, and I know I am now being prospered and blessed beyond my fondest dreams." Repeat this prayer aloud night and morning three times. As your eyes are focused on these truths and your ears hear them, you now have two faculties working for you, and you will find these truths will sink into your subconscious mind. Since the laws of your subconscious are compulsive, you will be impelled and directed to express God's infinite riches in all phases of your life.

His Idea Was Worth a Fortune

Recently while at a social gathering, an engineer working in a research laboratory told me that members of his staff were pondering and puzzling over a certain research problem for the armed forces. He said: "I got very quiet and relaxed, secluding myself in another part of the building, and said to my subconscious mind, 'I am turning over this request to you, and I know you will reveal the answer to the engineering problem. I am going to let it simmer within you, and when you have the answer you will present it to my conscious mind.'"

The next day he received the answer clearly in his conscious mind and the whole problem was quickly unraveled, saving the company considerable money. He received a promotion, a considerable increase in salary and was made a junior partner in the organization. He will share in the very large annual profits.

He Adopted New Ideas Toward Money and Prospered

A teacher who wished to prosper referred to money as "filthy lucre." I explained to him he had to change his attitude toward money, because his silent condemnation of money caused it to fly from him instead of to him. He realized that it would be foolish to pronounce uranium, lead, cobalt, nickel, copper or a dollar bill as evil. A dollar bill is harmless, and the only difference between it and nickel or copper or any other metal is that the atoms and molecules with their electrons and protons are arranged differently than are those which constitute paper.

Here is the practical, down-to-earth technique he employed which multiplied money in his experience: "From now on I look upon money as Divine substance, for everything comes out of the One Spirit (God). I know that matter and spirit (energy) are one. I claim and decree that money is constantly circulating in my life and that there is always a Divine surplus. I use money wisely and constructively. Money flows to me in avalanches of abundance. Money is an idea in the mind of God, and it is good and very good. God pronounced all things He created good and very good."

This teacher affirmed these truths for about five minutes night and morning, and at the end of a month's time, he was promoted with a big increase in salary. He also received a completely unexpected inheritance from an aunt he had never met. He made it a special point to never deny what he was affirming. Let wonders happen in your life by accepting a new attitude towards the riches all around you.

Life Is Energy

God is Life and that is your life now. Life is power and supply. Remember, the Life Principle is the creative source out of which the world and everything in it was made at the beginning of time, and constant creation is going on now.

How He Went from $40,000 a Year to $200,000

A few days ago on my radio program I told how a $40,000-a-year junior executive in one of the local banks wanted to advance, accomplish greater things, and use his extraordinary knowledge of finances in a far more wonderful and expansive way. Accordingly, he said that he established a mental pattern or mold in his mind and claimed definitely and positively that the energy and vitality of the Infinite passing through the mold in his mind would stamp the desired picture in his deeper mind. He made a habit of this, and one day while working at the bank he was approached by a man who had borrowed a large sum from the bank, who asked him to head his concern in Texas as Financial Adviser and Director. He accepted a ten-year contract and now has a fabulous home, all expenses paid when he travels, liveried chauffeurs, and a $200,000 a year salary. The Cosmic Energizer passed through the picture in his mind and brought it to pass in its own way. This banker's favorite Biblical quotation is:-What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. (Mark 11:24).

How He Discovered the Riches of Life

Recently I conducted a seminar at the Church of Religious Science in Las Vegas, which is in the charge of an old friend of mine, Dr. David Howe. While interviewing a man in the hotel there, he told me that four years previously when he had arrived in Las Vegas he had only $20 to his name. He promptly got a job as a waiter, however, and sometimes even played the role of a busboy.

A customer in the restaurant where he worked, on observing his industrious attitude, gave him a copy of Your Infinite Power to Be Rich. He read it avidly and then he wrote down four things he most desired on a sheet of paper. First was "Riches are flowing to me freely and joyously." Second was "Infinite Intelligence guides me to my highest expression." Third was "I have a lovely home in beautiful surroundings." Fourth was "I am happily married to a wonderful woman in Divine order."

Having read the above-mentioned book carefully, and knowing what he wanted, he decided to write down clearly his requests. Every night and morning he would go over these requests, repeating them slowly and deliberately, while knowing that he would draw to himself experiences and conditions similar to his thoughts and imagery. He understood that his technique was a means of impregnating his subconscious mind and establishing the conditions of wealth, success, and harmony in his life. After each period he would give thanks to the Infinite Presence within him for God's riches, true place, his lovely home and companion in life. He was establishing possession in his mind of all that he had requested.

Within three months' time he had accomplished everything he had written down because of his repeated affirmations and his belief in the workings of his mind. He realized that what was impressed on his subconscious would be expressed. A few weeks after he started the prayer process, he was promoted to the position of head waiter. A client of the restaurant introduced him to a very wealthy woman, whom he married. She had a lovely home in Las Vegas, in which he now lives. He has his own business that he and his wife own and operate, and he has others working for him. The couple are very happily married. He said, "It was love at first sight." Now he has all the money he needs to do what he wants to do, and when he wants to do it.

The Cosmic Energizer vivifies, animates, and energizes that which you claim to be true. All the power of the Infinite flows through the focal point of your concentrated attention.-And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive (Matthew 21:22).-If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth (Mark 9:23).

How He Uses the Cosmic Energizer in His Work

Emerson said, "Nothing was ever achieved without enthusiasm." A young college graduate in electronics and engineering told me that he is intensely interested in the field of electronics. His enthusiasm is thoroughly aroused in this area so that he finds tremendous mental energy released, and marvelous new ideas come clearly into his mind. They come, he said, "out of the blue." He has brought about many innovations and improvements in the electronics laboratory where he works and, although a young man of 22, already earns $30,000 a year, all due to his faith in the Cosmic Energizer and his enthusiasm for his chosen work.

The word "enthusiasm" comes from the Greek, and literally means to be possessed by God. It means an absorbing or controlling possession of the mind by any interest or pursuit. His constant prayer is as follows: "The energy of the Infinite Power animates and sustains me, and creative ideas unfold within me revealing to me everything I need to know." He has faith in the response of the Cosmic Energizer and in the attainment of his goal; then follows enthusiasm, which is awakened by his positive faith. There are times when he feels actually "inspired." Gradually a new world of achievement is opening up for him.

This young engineer's favorite Bible verse is:-If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him (James 1:5).

Son of Former Slave Now Multimillionaire Head of One of Biggest Banks in West

At 32, railroad cook Milton Grant decided he wanted to make it to the top in business. So he started at the bottom-with a second-hand garbage truck and a third-grade education.

By age 40, he'd made his first million dollars-a startling feat for a poor black man born the son of former Virginia slaves. Says the board chairman and chief stockholder of the Family Savings & Loan Association of Los Angeles:

I always knew there was a better life and that it was up to me to find it. Very early in life, I learned that good hard cash makes a nice soft place on which to fall.

Hard cash, however, was an item that Grant had very little of as a young man. Born in 1891 in Parkersburg, West Virginia, Grant had to quit school to help support his 11 brothers and sisters.

I shined shoes and did janitor work for a local shoe store. Later, I got a job as a dishwasher so I could learn how to cook.

The clean white uniforms of cooks really intrigued me. When I was 13, I got a job washing dishes for $2.50 a week on the Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railroad. I finally worked my way up to chief cook, which was the highest railroad job a black man could hold at that time.

With the railroad, Grant had job security and even social status-but since he was still young, he was bursting with ambition:

With my total savings of $150, I headed for California, where I bought a second-hand truck and started a rubbish-collection firm in Pasadena.

At first, I earned only $20 a month-but I made it my business to always be prompt, neat and reliable. And it paid off. In just a few years I was making $6,000 a month.

Grant then bought a hog farm near Los Angeles and fed his stock with some of the garbage he collected. Again, his profits soared-which enabled him to dabble in real estate and eventually buy a small savings and loan business.

Under Grant's leadership, the Family Savings and Loan grew and prospered. Today it's one of the largest on the West Coast.

The poorest man can become a millionaire if he just sets goals for himself and then works to reach them.

Just remember, all progress starts with yourself. If you sincerely believe that, then you can be whatever you want to be.

This is as true in America today as it ever was.

Grant-who lives very modestly with his wife Flora-added:

I don't think of myself as a millionaire, although I do have several million. To me, a millionaire's a man with a big wad of bills, who rides around in a big chauffeured limousine and wears fancy clothes. But that's not my lifestyle.

I still drive my own car, go to the office every day, and have no plans to retire.

Grant, who says he built his fortune "one brick at a time," explained to The National Enquirer:

One reason a dollar won't do as much for people today is that most people won't do as much now to earn a dollar . . . like I did.

The above is taken from The National Enquirer, April 1973 issue, page 19. It tells the whole story of success, wealth, and achievement. This man came to a decision that there was a better life, and he had a vision of abundance, security, and the good life. Your vision is what you are looking at, what you are giving attention to, and where you want to go in life. Like Milton Grant, you will go where your vision is. Set a goal for yourself, become enthusiastic, and above all, have goodwill, which is love. Love is the fulfilling of the law of health, wealth, success and victory over problems.

How to Energize Your Desire and Achieve the Riches of Life

As I was writing this chapter, I received a long-distance phone call from New York City. This caller was distressed and emotionally wracked: bills were piling up, income tax was due, her husband was laid off, and her son's tuition for his last semester in college was overdue. Her home had been for sale for 12 months, and many looked at it but never came back.
A native of Ireland who resettled in America, Joseph Murphy, Ph.D., D.D., (1898-1981) was a prolific and widely admired New Thought minister and writer, best known for his motivational classic The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, an international bestseller since it first appeared onto the self-help scene in 1963. A popular speaker, Murphy lectured on both American coasts and in Europe, Asia, and South Africa. He wrote widely and his many books and pamphlets on the auto-suggestive and metaphysical faculties of the human mind have entered multiple editions, including the renowed How to Attract Money. Murphy is considered one of the pioneering voices of affirmative-thinking philosophy. View titles by Joseph Murphy


One of three classic reissues by the mega-selling author of The Power of Your Subconscious Mind to inaugurate TarcherPerigee's exciting new line, The Joseph Murphy Library of Success!

Here is your invitation to command the Eternal Force that will bring vast abundance and goodness in your life. Joseph Murphy's guidebook features all of the ancient prayers, techniques, and meditations for calling upon the Great Power of the Universe--the Eternal Force that will act on your heartfelt desires and lead you into a cosmic view of life.



How the Cosmic Energizer Can Create Riches and Abundance for You

There is only One Fundamental Energy in the world, a Cosmic Energizer, and each one of us is a channel through which this Force is seeking a creative outlet. It is necessary that we become clear channels for the flow of this Divine Energy. Each one of us is a focal point of the Divine, somewhat as an electric bulb may be looked upon as a focal point for the flow of electric current.

This Cosmic Energizer flows harmoniously, peacefully, rhythmically and joyously, and when we let this power flow constructively through us, we are acting in harmony with the Cosmic Energizer, and we will manifest harmony, health, peace and all the riches of the Infinite in our lives. Whenever we indulge in remorse, self-condemnation, resentment or any form of negative thinking, the Divine Energy becomes trapped within us and produces all sorts of trouble.

How to Channel the Riches of the Infinite

The following is a wonderful method for the release of the Cosmic Energizer in you: "I forgive myself for harboring any negative thoughts about myself or anybody else, and I resolve not to do so any more. I radiate love and goodwill to all men and women and to all people everywhere. I know when I have forgiven others, because I can think of them or meet them in my mind and there is absolutely no sting there." This attitude makes a clear and open channel for the Divine Energy.

Pray as follows: "I claim that God's love, light, harmony, truth, beauty, abundance and security flow through me freely and joyously, and I know I am now being prospered and blessed beyond my fondest dreams." Repeat this prayer aloud night and morning three times. As your eyes are focused on these truths and your ears hear them, you now have two faculties working for you, and you will find these truths will sink into your subconscious mind. Since the laws of your subconscious are compulsive, you will be impelled and directed to express God's infinite riches in all phases of your life.

His Idea Was Worth a Fortune

Recently while at a social gathering, an engineer working in a research laboratory told me that members of his staff were pondering and puzzling over a certain research problem for the armed forces. He said: "I got very quiet and relaxed, secluding myself in another part of the building, and said to my subconscious mind, 'I am turning over this request to you, and I know you will reveal the answer to the engineering problem. I am going to let it simmer within you, and when you have the answer you will present it to my conscious mind.'"

The next day he received the answer clearly in his conscious mind and the whole problem was quickly unraveled, saving the company considerable money. He received a promotion, a considerable increase in salary and was made a junior partner in the organization. He will share in the very large annual profits.

He Adopted New Ideas Toward Money and Prospered

A teacher who wished to prosper referred to money as "filthy lucre." I explained to him he had to change his attitude toward money, because his silent condemnation of money caused it to fly from him instead of to him. He realized that it would be foolish to pronounce uranium, lead, cobalt, nickel, copper or a dollar bill as evil. A dollar bill is harmless, and the only difference between it and nickel or copper or any other metal is that the atoms and molecules with their electrons and protons are arranged differently than are those which constitute paper.

Here is the practical, down-to-earth technique he employed which multiplied money in his experience: "From now on I look upon money as Divine substance, for everything comes out of the One Spirit (God). I know that matter and spirit (energy) are one. I claim and decree that money is constantly circulating in my life and that there is always a Divine surplus. I use money wisely and constructively. Money flows to me in avalanches of abundance. Money is an idea in the mind of God, and it is good and very good. God pronounced all things He created good and very good."

This teacher affirmed these truths for about five minutes night and morning, and at the end of a month's time, he was promoted with a big increase in salary. He also received a completely unexpected inheritance from an aunt he had never met. He made it a special point to never deny what he was affirming. Let wonders happen in your life by accepting a new attitude towards the riches all around you.

Life Is Energy

God is Life and that is your life now. Life is power and supply. Remember, the Life Principle is the creative source out of which the world and everything in it was made at the beginning of time, and constant creation is going on now.

How He Went from $40,000 a Year to $200,000

A few days ago on my radio program I told how a $40,000-a-year junior executive in one of the local banks wanted to advance, accomplish greater things, and use his extraordinary knowledge of finances in a far more wonderful and expansive way. Accordingly, he said that he established a mental pattern or mold in his mind and claimed definitely and positively that the energy and vitality of the Infinite passing through the mold in his mind would stamp the desired picture in his deeper mind. He made a habit of this, and one day while working at the bank he was approached by a man who had borrowed a large sum from the bank, who asked him to head his concern in Texas as Financial Adviser and Director. He accepted a ten-year contract and now has a fabulous home, all expenses paid when he travels, liveried chauffeurs, and a $200,000 a year salary. The Cosmic Energizer passed through the picture in his mind and brought it to pass in its own way. This banker's favorite Biblical quotation is:-What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. (Mark 11:24).

How He Discovered the Riches of Life

Recently I conducted a seminar at the Church of Religious Science in Las Vegas, which is in the charge of an old friend of mine, Dr. David Howe. While interviewing a man in the hotel there, he told me that four years previously when he had arrived in Las Vegas he had only $20 to his name. He promptly got a job as a waiter, however, and sometimes even played the role of a busboy.

A customer in the restaurant where he worked, on observing his industrious attitude, gave him a copy of Your Infinite Power to Be Rich. He read it avidly and then he wrote down four things he most desired on a sheet of paper. First was "Riches are flowing to me freely and joyously." Second was "Infinite Intelligence guides me to my highest expression." Third was "I have a lovely home in beautiful surroundings." Fourth was "I am happily married to a wonderful woman in Divine order."

Having read the above-mentioned book carefully, and knowing what he wanted, he decided to write down clearly his requests. Every night and morning he would go over these requests, repeating them slowly and deliberately, while knowing that he would draw to himself experiences and conditions similar to his thoughts and imagery. He understood that his technique was a means of impregnating his subconscious mind and establishing the conditions of wealth, success, and harmony in his life. After each period he would give thanks to the Infinite Presence within him for God's riches, true place, his lovely home and companion in life. He was establishing possession in his mind of all that he had requested.

Within three months' time he had accomplished everything he had written down because of his repeated affirmations and his belief in the workings of his mind. He realized that what was impressed on his subconscious would be expressed. A few weeks after he started the prayer process, he was promoted to the position of head waiter. A client of the restaurant introduced him to a very wealthy woman, whom he married. She had a lovely home in Las Vegas, in which he now lives. He has his own business that he and his wife own and operate, and he has others working for him. The couple are very happily married. He said, "It was love at first sight." Now he has all the money he needs to do what he wants to do, and when he wants to do it.

The Cosmic Energizer vivifies, animates, and energizes that which you claim to be true. All the power of the Infinite flows through the focal point of your concentrated attention.-And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive (Matthew 21:22).-If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth (Mark 9:23).

How He Uses the Cosmic Energizer in His Work

Emerson said, "Nothing was ever achieved without enthusiasm." A young college graduate in electronics and engineering told me that he is intensely interested in the field of electronics. His enthusiasm is thoroughly aroused in this area so that he finds tremendous mental energy released, and marvelous new ideas come clearly into his mind. They come, he said, "out of the blue." He has brought about many innovations and improvements in the electronics laboratory where he works and, although a young man of 22, already earns $30,000 a year, all due to his faith in the Cosmic Energizer and his enthusiasm for his chosen work.

The word "enthusiasm" comes from the Greek, and literally means to be possessed by God. It means an absorbing or controlling possession of the mind by any interest or pursuit. His constant prayer is as follows: "The energy of the Infinite Power animates and sustains me, and creative ideas unfold within me revealing to me everything I need to know." He has faith in the response of the Cosmic Energizer and in the attainment of his goal; then follows enthusiasm, which is awakened by his positive faith. There are times when he feels actually "inspired." Gradually a new world of achievement is opening up for him.

This young engineer's favorite Bible verse is:-If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him (James 1:5).

Son of Former Slave Now Multimillionaire Head of One of Biggest Banks in West

At 32, railroad cook Milton Grant decided he wanted to make it to the top in business. So he started at the bottom-with a second-hand garbage truck and a third-grade education.

By age 40, he'd made his first million dollars-a startling feat for a poor black man born the son of former Virginia slaves. Says the board chairman and chief stockholder of the Family Savings & Loan Association of Los Angeles:

I always knew there was a better life and that it was up to me to find it. Very early in life, I learned that good hard cash makes a nice soft place on which to fall.

Hard cash, however, was an item that Grant had very little of as a young man. Born in 1891 in Parkersburg, West Virginia, Grant had to quit school to help support his 11 brothers and sisters.

I shined shoes and did janitor work for a local shoe store. Later, I got a job as a dishwasher so I could learn how to cook.

The clean white uniforms of cooks really intrigued me. When I was 13, I got a job washing dishes for $2.50 a week on the Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railroad. I finally worked my way up to chief cook, which was the highest railroad job a black man could hold at that time.

With the railroad, Grant had job security and even social status-but since he was still young, he was bursting with ambition:

With my total savings of $150, I headed for California, where I bought a second-hand truck and started a rubbish-collection firm in Pasadena.

At first, I earned only $20 a month-but I made it my business to always be prompt, neat and reliable. And it paid off. In just a few years I was making $6,000 a month.

Grant then bought a hog farm near Los Angeles and fed his stock with some of the garbage he collected. Again, his profits soared-which enabled him to dabble in real estate and eventually buy a small savings and loan business.

Under Grant's leadership, the Family Savings and Loan grew and prospered. Today it's one of the largest on the West Coast.

The poorest man can become a millionaire if he just sets goals for himself and then works to reach them.

Just remember, all progress starts with yourself. If you sincerely believe that, then you can be whatever you want to be.

This is as true in America today as it ever was.

Grant-who lives very modestly with his wife Flora-added:

I don't think of myself as a millionaire, although I do have several million. To me, a millionaire's a man with a big wad of bills, who rides around in a big chauffeured limousine and wears fancy clothes. But that's not my lifestyle.

I still drive my own car, go to the office every day, and have no plans to retire.

Grant, who says he built his fortune "one brick at a time," explained to The National Enquirer:

One reason a dollar won't do as much for people today is that most people won't do as much now to earn a dollar . . . like I did.

The above is taken from The National Enquirer, April 1973 issue, page 19. It tells the whole story of success, wealth, and achievement. This man came to a decision that there was a better life, and he had a vision of abundance, security, and the good life. Your vision is what you are looking at, what you are giving attention to, and where you want to go in life. Like Milton Grant, you will go where your vision is. Set a goal for yourself, become enthusiastic, and above all, have goodwill, which is love. Love is the fulfilling of the law of health, wealth, success and victory over problems.

How to Energize Your Desire and Achieve the Riches of Life

As I was writing this chapter, I received a long-distance phone call from New York City. This caller was distressed and emotionally wracked: bills were piling up, income tax was due, her husband was laid off, and her son's tuition for his last semester in college was overdue. Her home had been for sale for 12 months, and many looked at it but never came back.


A native of Ireland who resettled in America, Joseph Murphy, Ph.D., D.D., (1898-1981) was a prolific and widely admired New Thought minister and writer, best known for his motivational classic The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, an international bestseller since it first appeared onto the self-help scene in 1963. A popular speaker, Murphy lectured on both American coasts and in Europe, Asia, and South Africa. He wrote widely and his many books and pamphlets on the auto-suggestive and metaphysical faculties of the human mind have entered multiple editions, including the renowed How to Attract Money. Murphy is considered one of the pioneering voices of affirmative-thinking philosophy. View titles by Joseph Murphy