The Cosmic Power Within You

The Simple, Safe Way to Harness the Extraordinary Power Hidden in Every Individual

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One of three classic reissues by the mega-selling author of The Power of Your Subconscious Mind to inaugurate TarcherPerigee's exciting new line, The Joseph Murphy Library of Success!

In this practical guide, Joseph Murphy shows you a simple way to harness the cosmic power hidden within to achieve physical, spiritual, and career success. The secrets of this life-changing art are spelled out simply and clearly, drawing upon both Eastern and Western cultures for special techniques and prayers.

You will discover how to tap into the power you already possess to heal, make decisions, and attain your life-long goals.

How to Keep in Tune with the Cosmic Power

There is a Power in you that has never been fully released. The Power that moves the world and governs the galaxies in space is within you.

I have known people to tune in with this amazing, untapped Power within them, and in a short time their whole lives were transformed so radically that their friends barely recognized them. Many of them received this kind of greeting from their old acquaintances: "I wouldn't have known you! What happened to you?"

You possess limitless possibilities for development, and as you begin to tune in on the Cosmic Power within you, you will discover that this inner Power can lift you up from sickness, failure, misery, despondency, or utter chaos. It can heal your body, guide and direct you, open up new doors for you, dry your tears, dissolve your problems, and set you on the high road to happiness, freedom, and peace of mind.

This Cosmic Power can inspire you. If you call upon IT, you will receive an answer. If you are seeking your true place in life, you may call upon this primal Power and IT will open up a new door for you and guide you every step of the way. It is your right to keep in tune with this Power and to allow IT to flow through your mind, body, and affairs, enabling you to move onward, upward, and Godward along all lines.

How a Paralyzed Arm Was Healed

The following letter reveals how a woman who attends my lectures contacted this wonderful Power:

Dear Dr. Murphy: Words cannot express my gratitude for your instructions on how to contact the Infinite Power within me and the marvelous response I received. I began to think about what you said-that all the power of the Godhead was within my own mind and that I could use the Power. I began to think that this Power was greater than hydrogen bombs, atomic energy, or electricity, and that all these were as nothing compared to the all-powerful God within me.

For ten days I had been unable to lift my arm upward without unbearable pain, which caused me to scream at times. On the way to my family doctor, I tuned in on the Cosmic Power and affirmed: Through the power of the Almighty within me, I am now moving my arm freely. I lifted my arm to a horizontal position with no pain whatsoever, and I moved it more freely than had been possible for some weeks. The doctor tested my arm, and all goes well. Truly, the Kingdom of God is within each one of us! Respectfully, Mrs. Helen Hanford, Los Angeles, Calif.

Mrs. Hanford consciously discovered this Power within her own mentality, and a marvelous healing resulted. Attach yourself to God's power and let wonders happen in your life!

Your Infinite Reservoir of Power

The Power within you is inexhaustible, eternal, and infinite. You have reserves of infinite wisdom, boundless love, infinite intelligence, absolute harmony, absolute peace, fullness of joy, indescribable beauty, and the infinite healing Presence-all these powers, capabilities, and energies are within you waiting to be called upon.

A general operating a military force has at hand a reserve of men and equipment on which he can call; likewise, when you are perplexed, confused, muddled, fearful, or depressed, you can call on your spiritual reserves and receive spiritual refreshment and be replenished with new wisdom, truth, and beauty.

Constant Renewal and Refreshment Always Available

The following letter points out how one person constantly draws from the treasure-house of Infinity within her:

Dear Dr. Murphy: Just a year ago, a friend of mine took me to one of your lectures on a Sunday morning. I had just separated from my husband and was filing for divorce after 18 years of a difficult marriage. I was depressed, confused, frightened, and full of guilt feelings. I am now constantly in tune with the Infinite, and miracles are happening in my life.

Your lecture that morning really "hit home," and made me realize I must learn to control my thinking and my emotions. Before, I was letting family, friends, and negative thoughts of the world control me.

Since then, with the help of your lectures and a number of your books to guide me, marvelous things have happened and are happening to me. Gone are the nerve pills and the migraine headaches which were a part of my daily routine.

At 40, I am more radiant, healthy, and happy than I have ever been in my entire life, and my calm, positive, healthy outlook on life has made a great difference in the lives of my two teen-aged boys. My blessings are abundant and I give thanks every moment of every day. New doors are opening, and greater prosperity and peace of mind are mine.

I have not completely conquered. Once in a while, for no apparent reason, I feel myself slipping into the old ways of thinking or feeling but, thanks to what I have learned from you, I am now able to sit quietly, withdraw into myself, and come out of it by calling on God, and His peace and love flow in response. Many, many thanks again for opening my eyes to the glory surrounding me. Sincerely, Mrs. E.C., Los Angeles, California.

This woman's constant prayer is as follows:

God is, and His Presence flows through me as harmony, joy, peace, beauty, and right action. His love fills my soul, and wonders happen as I pray.

She uses this prayer as a sort of melody and sings it to herself as she goes about her household and other duties. Just as a general in the field keeps in contact with the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., for instructions, so also does this wonderful woman receive instruction, guidance, and Divine ideas by keeping in contact with God and Cosmic Wisdom, and she is furnished with prosperity that means freedom to be, to do, and to go as her mind dictates.

You Are Never out of Touch with Cosmic Guidance

The following letter shows how, when you take a trip, you can keep in touch with the source of strength, peace, and security that is constantly available:

Dear Dr. Murphy: . . . To say that I was grateful is such a feeble expression of my feelings! How well I know that when you turn to God as I did, He will turn to you in love. You are never alone when you know, as I did on this trip, that God did go before me to make perfect my way.

I do not have to return to Monterey for my final five-year X-ray until December, as is done in all cases of previous cancer, but I have no fear, for I know that I am permanently cured for all time and that this disease which so many people call incurable is not-but that there are incurable people.

I took your wonderful and loving letter written to me on July 12th . . . in which you wrote, "God is in His holy temple and, that being true, the Presence flows through you as beauty, love, harmony, and peace, and in your flesh you shall see God." Well, I carried that letter with me and read and re-read it many times a day while I was away.

If there is any portion of this letter which you wish to use in any way in an effort to help others, you are fully free to do so. I so wish to help any and all who may need my assurance.

My heart, you know, is filled with gratitude, and as you said this morning on the radio, "This is the day the Lord hath made; be happy and rejoice therein." Gratefully, Mrs. R.

How to Tune in for a Safe Journey

You can keep in constant contact with the boundless wisdom and Infinite Power which transcend our feeble intellect, when going on a journey by plane, automobile, train, or by any other means of conveyance. Affirm feelingly and knowingly:

This vehicle is God's idea moving from point to point freely, joyously, and lovingly. Divine love goes before me, making straight, beautiful, joyous, and happy my way. The sacred circle of God's eternal love surrounds me, enfolds me, and enwraps me, and I am always in the midst of the Holy Omnipresence. I am always surrounded by the whole armor of God and Good, and it is wonderful!

How a College Student Tuned in for Passing Examinations

Dear Dr. Murphy: As you know, I have missed several classes because of illness, but I have been praying that God would supply all my needs for the examination and reveal to me what I need to know, as you suggested. Last Monday morning the examination took place, and on Sunday night I had a dream in which you appeared and pointed out the pages to study in my physics and chemistry books. I arose at 2 am and studied the pages outlined in my dream. One page I committed to memory.

Needless to say, I was able to answer all the questions, as I had read over and over the answers in my two books the night before. I told one of the professors about my dream, and he laughed at me and thought I was joking! Many thanks for your help. D.L., Beverly Hills, California.

Infinite Intelligence within the subconscious mind of this boy responded to his call, as Its nature is responsive. This same Infinite Intelligence directed the professors to ask the same questions as the boy saw in his dream. The Bible says: . . . I, the Lord (the law of your Cosmic subconscious) will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream (Numbers 12:6).

How a Long-Lost Brother Was Found

The Bible says: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee (Isaiah 26:3).

A man wrote me saying that he had not seen his brother in over twenty years and did not know where he was. In the meantime an estate was bequeathed to both of them, and he was anxious to communicate the good news to his brother. His letter reads as follows:

Dear Dr. Murphy: I read your book, The Miracle of Mind Dynamics, and was very much impressed. I kept my mind focussed on Infinite Intelligence; I could not see It, but based on previous experiences I was convinced of Its reality. I don't see the wind, but I feel its breeze upon my face.

I asked this Infinite Intelligence to reveal the whereabouts of my brother and I kept repeating, Divine guidance is mine now, and Infinite Intelligence brings us together. Last week I attended a conference in New

York, and lo and behold! one of the passengers who sat next to me on the subway was my brother whom I have not seen for over twenty years!

I thought you might like to use this letter for the new book you are writing. I am sure this experience will instill in all of us faith and confidence in the mystic Power. Signed, T.L., San Francisco, California.

You must realize that there is an infinite ocean of life operating in all of us, filled with adequacies and answers to all problems. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "There is guidance for each of us, and by lowly listening, we shall hear the right word."

Action and reaction are cosmic and universal. You are dealing with a reciprocal action-and-reaction universe: as you sow, you reap; and as you call, you receive an answer.

How a Widow Healed Her Grief

The following letter lucidly demonstrates how, in time of grief and tragedy, you may tune in on the river of peace within you and receive a sense of inner tranquility, poise, balance, and serenity.

Dear Dr. Murphy: Following the death of my beloved husband, I was depressed and discontented. A friend invited me to hear you speak at the Wilshire Ebell Theatre. You said that it is natural to miss our loved ones and that a good cry is a part of the healing process and not to repress or to suppress the tears at the time of a transition. You also said that protracted grief is wrong, as it robs one of vitality, enthusiasm, and energy, and that the answer is prayer for the loved one who is now living in the next dimension of mind. What really healed me was your explanation of how our loved ones are all around us, separated only by frequency. Just as voices are sent over a cable at different frequencies or as, when a fan rotates at a very high speed it becomes "invisible" and you can see a wall through the blades, so are our beloved ones separated from us.

Suddenly during your lecture I realized that my late husband was as much alive as I was, that the reality of him was mind, spirit, or consciousness, and that his body was just an instrument and he now had another body, in a more rarified and attenuated form which is called fourth-dimensional.

I realized there is no death because Life was never born and will never die. I began to pray for my husband as you outlined; the following was my prayer:

I surrender my husband to God. I know he is alive with the life of God and that his journey is ever onward, upward, and Godward, as life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday. I radiate love, peace, joy, and goodwill to him, and I know that God's love and peace surround him and enfold him. The Light of God shines in him, through him, and all around him. I know goodness and mercy follow him all the days of his life and he dwells in the house of God forever. His journey is from glory to glory, and whenever I think of him I say, God be with you.

Having prayed this way for a few days, a great sense of peace came over me and suddenly I knew inwardly that life is eternal and love is immortal. Truly, God wiped away my tears and there was no more crying. Lovingly, Mrs. X.

Tuning in with the Cosmic Power and experiencing its bliss, harmony, peace, and joy is the answer to all problems. The Bible says, Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee. . . . (Isaiah 26:3) The word "thee" is interpreted to mean the Presence of God or Infinite Life within you.

The ancient Hindu scriptures said of this Life-Principle which animates all men and is their very Reality: "It was never born and it will never die; water wets it not; fire burns it not: wind blows it not away. Knowing these things, why grievest thou for it?" Our Bible says, . . . Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen (Luke 24:5-6). Your loved one is closer to you than ever before.
A native of Ireland who resettled in America, Joseph Murphy, Ph.D., D.D., (1898-1981) was a prolific and widely admired New Thought minister and writer, best known for his motivational classic The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, an international bestseller since it first appeared onto the self-help scene in 1963. A popular speaker, Murphy lectured on both American coasts and in Europe, Asia, and South Africa. He wrote widely and his many books and pamphlets on the auto-suggestive and metaphysical faculties of the human mind have entered multiple editions, including the renowed How to Attract Money. Murphy is considered one of the pioneering voices of affirmative-thinking philosophy. View titles by Joseph Murphy


One of three classic reissues by the mega-selling author of The Power of Your Subconscious Mind to inaugurate TarcherPerigee's exciting new line, The Joseph Murphy Library of Success!

In this practical guide, Joseph Murphy shows you a simple way to harness the cosmic power hidden within to achieve physical, spiritual, and career success. The secrets of this life-changing art are spelled out simply and clearly, drawing upon both Eastern and Western cultures for special techniques and prayers.

You will discover how to tap into the power you already possess to heal, make decisions, and attain your life-long goals.



How to Keep in Tune with the Cosmic Power

There is a Power in you that has never been fully released. The Power that moves the world and governs the galaxies in space is within you.

I have known people to tune in with this amazing, untapped Power within them, and in a short time their whole lives were transformed so radically that their friends barely recognized them. Many of them received this kind of greeting from their old acquaintances: "I wouldn't have known you! What happened to you?"

You possess limitless possibilities for development, and as you begin to tune in on the Cosmic Power within you, you will discover that this inner Power can lift you up from sickness, failure, misery, despondency, or utter chaos. It can heal your body, guide and direct you, open up new doors for you, dry your tears, dissolve your problems, and set you on the high road to happiness, freedom, and peace of mind.

This Cosmic Power can inspire you. If you call upon IT, you will receive an answer. If you are seeking your true place in life, you may call upon this primal Power and IT will open up a new door for you and guide you every step of the way. It is your right to keep in tune with this Power and to allow IT to flow through your mind, body, and affairs, enabling you to move onward, upward, and Godward along all lines.

How a Paralyzed Arm Was Healed

The following letter reveals how a woman who attends my lectures contacted this wonderful Power:

Dear Dr. Murphy: Words cannot express my gratitude for your instructions on how to contact the Infinite Power within me and the marvelous response I received. I began to think about what you said-that all the power of the Godhead was within my own mind and that I could use the Power. I began to think that this Power was greater than hydrogen bombs, atomic energy, or electricity, and that all these were as nothing compared to the all-powerful God within me.

For ten days I had been unable to lift my arm upward without unbearable pain, which caused me to scream at times. On the way to my family doctor, I tuned in on the Cosmic Power and affirmed: Through the power of the Almighty within me, I am now moving my arm freely. I lifted my arm to a horizontal position with no pain whatsoever, and I moved it more freely than had been possible for some weeks. The doctor tested my arm, and all goes well. Truly, the Kingdom of God is within each one of us! Respectfully, Mrs. Helen Hanford, Los Angeles, Calif.

Mrs. Hanford consciously discovered this Power within her own mentality, and a marvelous healing resulted. Attach yourself to God's power and let wonders happen in your life!

Your Infinite Reservoir of Power

The Power within you is inexhaustible, eternal, and infinite. You have reserves of infinite wisdom, boundless love, infinite intelligence, absolute harmony, absolute peace, fullness of joy, indescribable beauty, and the infinite healing Presence-all these powers, capabilities, and energies are within you waiting to be called upon.

A general operating a military force has at hand a reserve of men and equipment on which he can call; likewise, when you are perplexed, confused, muddled, fearful, or depressed, you can call on your spiritual reserves and receive spiritual refreshment and be replenished with new wisdom, truth, and beauty.

Constant Renewal and Refreshment Always Available

The following letter points out how one person constantly draws from the treasure-house of Infinity within her:

Dear Dr. Murphy: Just a year ago, a friend of mine took me to one of your lectures on a Sunday morning. I had just separated from my husband and was filing for divorce after 18 years of a difficult marriage. I was depressed, confused, frightened, and full of guilt feelings. I am now constantly in tune with the Infinite, and miracles are happening in my life.

Your lecture that morning really "hit home," and made me realize I must learn to control my thinking and my emotions. Before, I was letting family, friends, and negative thoughts of the world control me.

Since then, with the help of your lectures and a number of your books to guide me, marvelous things have happened and are happening to me. Gone are the nerve pills and the migraine headaches which were a part of my daily routine.

At 40, I am more radiant, healthy, and happy than I have ever been in my entire life, and my calm, positive, healthy outlook on life has made a great difference in the lives of my two teen-aged boys. My blessings are abundant and I give thanks every moment of every day. New doors are opening, and greater prosperity and peace of mind are mine.

I have not completely conquered. Once in a while, for no apparent reason, I feel myself slipping into the old ways of thinking or feeling but, thanks to what I have learned from you, I am now able to sit quietly, withdraw into myself, and come out of it by calling on God, and His peace and love flow in response. Many, many thanks again for opening my eyes to the glory surrounding me. Sincerely, Mrs. E.C., Los Angeles, California.

This woman's constant prayer is as follows:

God is, and His Presence flows through me as harmony, joy, peace, beauty, and right action. His love fills my soul, and wonders happen as I pray.

She uses this prayer as a sort of melody and sings it to herself as she goes about her household and other duties. Just as a general in the field keeps in contact with the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., for instructions, so also does this wonderful woman receive instruction, guidance, and Divine ideas by keeping in contact with God and Cosmic Wisdom, and she is furnished with prosperity that means freedom to be, to do, and to go as her mind dictates.

You Are Never out of Touch with Cosmic Guidance

The following letter shows how, when you take a trip, you can keep in touch with the source of strength, peace, and security that is constantly available:

Dear Dr. Murphy: . . . To say that I was grateful is such a feeble expression of my feelings! How well I know that when you turn to God as I did, He will turn to you in love. You are never alone when you know, as I did on this trip, that God did go before me to make perfect my way.

I do not have to return to Monterey for my final five-year X-ray until December, as is done in all cases of previous cancer, but I have no fear, for I know that I am permanently cured for all time and that this disease which so many people call incurable is not-but that there are incurable people.

I took your wonderful and loving letter written to me on July 12th . . . in which you wrote, "God is in His holy temple and, that being true, the Presence flows through you as beauty, love, harmony, and peace, and in your flesh you shall see God." Well, I carried that letter with me and read and re-read it many times a day while I was away.

If there is any portion of this letter which you wish to use in any way in an effort to help others, you are fully free to do so. I so wish to help any and all who may need my assurance.

My heart, you know, is filled with gratitude, and as you said this morning on the radio, "This is the day the Lord hath made; be happy and rejoice therein." Gratefully, Mrs. R.

How to Tune in for a Safe Journey

You can keep in constant contact with the boundless wisdom and Infinite Power which transcend our feeble intellect, when going on a journey by plane, automobile, train, or by any other means of conveyance. Affirm feelingly and knowingly:

This vehicle is God's idea moving from point to point freely, joyously, and lovingly. Divine love goes before me, making straight, beautiful, joyous, and happy my way. The sacred circle of God's eternal love surrounds me, enfolds me, and enwraps me, and I am always in the midst of the Holy Omnipresence. I am always surrounded by the whole armor of God and Good, and it is wonderful!

How a College Student Tuned in for Passing Examinations

Dear Dr. Murphy: As you know, I have missed several classes because of illness, but I have been praying that God would supply all my needs for the examination and reveal to me what I need to know, as you suggested. Last Monday morning the examination took place, and on Sunday night I had a dream in which you appeared and pointed out the pages to study in my physics and chemistry books. I arose at 2 am and studied the pages outlined in my dream. One page I committed to memory.

Needless to say, I was able to answer all the questions, as I had read over and over the answers in my two books the night before. I told one of the professors about my dream, and he laughed at me and thought I was joking! Many thanks for your help. D.L., Beverly Hills, California.

Infinite Intelligence within the subconscious mind of this boy responded to his call, as Its nature is responsive. This same Infinite Intelligence directed the professors to ask the same questions as the boy saw in his dream. The Bible says: . . . I, the Lord (the law of your Cosmic subconscious) will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream (Numbers 12:6).

How a Long-Lost Brother Was Found

The Bible says: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee (Isaiah 26:3).

A man wrote me saying that he had not seen his brother in over twenty years and did not know where he was. In the meantime an estate was bequeathed to both of them, and he was anxious to communicate the good news to his brother. His letter reads as follows:

Dear Dr. Murphy: I read your book, The Miracle of Mind Dynamics, and was very much impressed. I kept my mind focussed on Infinite Intelligence; I could not see It, but based on previous experiences I was convinced of Its reality. I don't see the wind, but I feel its breeze upon my face.

I asked this Infinite Intelligence to reveal the whereabouts of my brother and I kept repeating, Divine guidance is mine now, and Infinite Intelligence brings us together. Last week I attended a conference in New

York, and lo and behold! one of the passengers who sat next to me on the subway was my brother whom I have not seen for over twenty years!

I thought you might like to use this letter for the new book you are writing. I am sure this experience will instill in all of us faith and confidence in the mystic Power. Signed, T.L., San Francisco, California.

You must realize that there is an infinite ocean of life operating in all of us, filled with adequacies and answers to all problems. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "There is guidance for each of us, and by lowly listening, we shall hear the right word."

Action and reaction are cosmic and universal. You are dealing with a reciprocal action-and-reaction universe: as you sow, you reap; and as you call, you receive an answer.

How a Widow Healed Her Grief

The following letter lucidly demonstrates how, in time of grief and tragedy, you may tune in on the river of peace within you and receive a sense of inner tranquility, poise, balance, and serenity.

Dear Dr. Murphy: Following the death of my beloved husband, I was depressed and discontented. A friend invited me to hear you speak at the Wilshire Ebell Theatre. You said that it is natural to miss our loved ones and that a good cry is a part of the healing process and not to repress or to suppress the tears at the time of a transition. You also said that protracted grief is wrong, as it robs one of vitality, enthusiasm, and energy, and that the answer is prayer for the loved one who is now living in the next dimension of mind. What really healed me was your explanation of how our loved ones are all around us, separated only by frequency. Just as voices are sent over a cable at different frequencies or as, when a fan rotates at a very high speed it becomes "invisible" and you can see a wall through the blades, so are our beloved ones separated from us.

Suddenly during your lecture I realized that my late husband was as much alive as I was, that the reality of him was mind, spirit, or consciousness, and that his body was just an instrument and he now had another body, in a more rarified and attenuated form which is called fourth-dimensional.

I realized there is no death because Life was never born and will never die. I began to pray for my husband as you outlined; the following was my prayer:

I surrender my husband to God. I know he is alive with the life of God and that his journey is ever onward, upward, and Godward, as life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday. I radiate love, peace, joy, and goodwill to him, and I know that God's love and peace surround him and enfold him. The Light of God shines in him, through him, and all around him. I know goodness and mercy follow him all the days of his life and he dwells in the house of God forever. His journey is from glory to glory, and whenever I think of him I say, God be with you.

Having prayed this way for a few days, a great sense of peace came over me and suddenly I knew inwardly that life is eternal and love is immortal. Truly, God wiped away my tears and there was no more crying. Lovingly, Mrs. X.

Tuning in with the Cosmic Power and experiencing its bliss, harmony, peace, and joy is the answer to all problems. The Bible says, Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee. . . . (Isaiah 26:3) The word "thee" is interpreted to mean the Presence of God or Infinite Life within you.

The ancient Hindu scriptures said of this Life-Principle which animates all men and is their very Reality: "It was never born and it will never die; water wets it not; fire burns it not: wind blows it not away. Knowing these things, why grievest thou for it?" Our Bible says, . . . Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen (Luke 24:5-6). Your loved one is closer to you than ever before.


A native of Ireland who resettled in America, Joseph Murphy, Ph.D., D.D., (1898-1981) was a prolific and widely admired New Thought minister and writer, best known for his motivational classic The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, an international bestseller since it first appeared onto the self-help scene in 1963. A popular speaker, Murphy lectured on both American coasts and in Europe, Asia, and South Africa. He wrote widely and his many books and pamphlets on the auto-suggestive and metaphysical faculties of the human mind have entered multiple editions, including the renowed How to Attract Money. Murphy is considered one of the pioneering voices of affirmative-thinking philosophy. View titles by Joseph Murphy