The Complete Idiot's Guide to World War I

You might already know that World War I was the Great War, and be familiar with its images; muddy trenches, poison gas, and a no-man's land of craters and barbed wire.

But when it comes to understanding its causes, why it dragged on for four years, and how it set the stage for World War II, you might be lost behind enemy lines. Don't wave the white flag just yet! The Complete Idiot's Guide to World War I audiobook gives you a comprehensive over-view of the first global war, from the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand to the Treaty of Versailles.

In this Complete Idiot's Guide, you get:
Broad coverage of the secret treaties and en-tangling alliances that led to war
Comprehensive analysis of some of history's bloodiest battles, including the Somme, Tannenberg, Gallipoli, and Belleau Wood
Expert commentary on the development of weapons such as the thank, the dreadnought battleship, poison gas, and the German U-boat
Valuable insights into the war's influence on this century's political and cultural developments

© 2000 Alex Axelrod © 2020 DK Audio
Alan Axelrod is a renowned historian and business writer. He was the co author of the New York Times bestseller What Every American Should Know About American History as well as the BusinessWeek bestsellers Patton on Leadership and Elizabeth I, CEO. He has written extensively on the Civil War. View titles by Alan Axelrod, Ph.D.


You might already know that World War I was the Great War, and be familiar with its images; muddy trenches, poison gas, and a no-man's land of craters and barbed wire.

But when it comes to understanding its causes, why it dragged on for four years, and how it set the stage for World War II, you might be lost behind enemy lines. Don't wave the white flag just yet! The Complete Idiot's Guide to World War I audiobook gives you a comprehensive over-view of the first global war, from the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand to the Treaty of Versailles.

In this Complete Idiot's Guide, you get:
Broad coverage of the secret treaties and en-tangling alliances that led to war
Comprehensive analysis of some of history's bloodiest battles, including the Somme, Tannenberg, Gallipoli, and Belleau Wood
Expert commentary on the development of weapons such as the thank, the dreadnought battleship, poison gas, and the German U-boat
Valuable insights into the war's influence on this century's political and cultural developments

© 2000 Alex Axelrod © 2020 DK Audio


Alan Axelrod is a renowned historian and business writer. He was the co author of the New York Times bestseller What Every American Should Know About American History as well as the BusinessWeek bestsellers Patton on Leadership and Elizabeth I, CEO. He has written extensively on the Civil War. View titles by Alan Axelrod, Ph.D.