Empowering Your Life with Angels

We’re all touched by angels!

Angels take on many shapes and forms—some familiar, some otherworldly, and some that we don’t even recognize as angels. Empowering Your Life with Angels shows readers how to recognize the angel in their life, and the possibilities this presents. This volume includes exercises and meditations for utilizing angel-guidance in love, work, and health; explores how to communicate with angels through dreams and other techniques; how to heal emotions with the help of angels; and much more.

• “Do You Believe in Angels?” was a Larry King Live panel discussion in August 2004 featuring Sylvia Browne, Mattie Stepanek, minister and novelist Max Lucado, and Father Michael Manning, a Roman Catholic priest
• Readers of books on angels, afterlife, and spirit guides will love this book

Rita Berkowitz is an ordained minister in the Spiritualist Church. She is a pastor of the First Spiritual Church of Quincy, a commissioned healer, and a certified medium with a Master of Science degree in psychological counseling. With the gift of spirit communication, Rita has the ability to see, speak to, and draw our guides and loved ones who have passed to the higher side. View titles by Rita Berkowitz


We’re all touched by angels!

Angels take on many shapes and forms—some familiar, some otherworldly, and some that we don’t even recognize as angels. Empowering Your Life with Angels shows readers how to recognize the angel in their life, and the possibilities this presents. This volume includes exercises and meditations for utilizing angel-guidance in love, work, and health; explores how to communicate with angels through dreams and other techniques; how to heal emotions with the help of angels; and much more.

• “Do You Believe in Angels?” was a Larry King Live panel discussion in August 2004 featuring Sylvia Browne, Mattie Stepanek, minister and novelist Max Lucado, and Father Michael Manning, a Roman Catholic priest
• Readers of books on angels, afterlife, and spirit guides will love this book


Rita Berkowitz is an ordained minister in the Spiritualist Church. She is a pastor of the First Spiritual Church of Quincy, a commissioned healer, and a certified medium with a Master of Science degree in psychological counseling. With the gift of spirit communication, Rita has the ability to see, speak to, and draw our guides and loved ones who have passed to the higher side. View titles by Rita Berkowitz