The Complete Idiot's Guide to Natural Childbirth

The Support You Need for the Birth You Want

Ebook (EPUB)
On sale Oct 06, 2009 | 336 Pages | 978-1-101-14059-8
Thoughtful planning so mom and her supporters are ready when the baby is . . . 

A midwife helps expecting mothers decide how natural they want their labor to be, what birthing methods are available, and the type of professional they want present. It helps women weigh factors, prepare mentally, make important decisions, and plan ahead for successful delivery and beyond.

• Only book covering the spectrum of natural birthing methods, and has a medical authority's vetting
• Expert author is a certified professional midwife and certified hypno-birthing childbirth educator
• Covers all aspects of natural birthing, from planning before women become pregnant through breastfeeding
Deborah S. Romaine is the co-author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Communicating with Spirits and many other books.
Jennifer L. West LM, CPM, HBCE View titles by Jennifer L. West LM, CPM, HBCE


Thoughtful planning so mom and her supporters are ready when the baby is . . . 

A midwife helps expecting mothers decide how natural they want their labor to be, what birthing methods are available, and the type of professional they want present. It helps women weigh factors, prepare mentally, make important decisions, and plan ahead for successful delivery and beyond.

• Only book covering the spectrum of natural birthing methods, and has a medical authority's vetting
• Expert author is a certified professional midwife and certified hypno-birthing childbirth educator
• Covers all aspects of natural birthing, from planning before women become pregnant through breastfeeding


Deborah S. Romaine is the co-author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Communicating with Spirits and many other books.
Jennifer L. West LM, CPM, HBCE View titles by Jennifer L. West LM, CPM, HBCE