Christopher Farnsworth, author portrait
© Erin Moss

Christopher Farnsworth

Robert B. Parker was the author of seventy books, including the legendary Spenser detective series, the novels featuring Chief Jesse Stone, and the acclaimed Virgil Cole/Everett Hitch westerns, as well as the Sunny Randall novels. Winner of the Mystery Writers of America Grand Master Award and long considered the undisputed dean of American crime fiction, he died in January 2010.

Christopher Farnsworth worked as a reporter in Arizona and California before selling his first screenplay. He now pens successful crime and thriller novels. His books have been published in a dozen countries and translated into ten languages, and optioned for film and television. A loyal reader of Robert B. Parker since his high school days, Farnsworth currently resides in Los Angeles with his family.
Robert B. Parker's Buried Secrets
Red, White, and Blood
The President's Vampire
Blood Oath


Robert B. Parker's Buried Secrets
Red, White, and Blood
The President's Vampire
Blood Oath