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Lorena Alvarez Gómez

Lorena Alvarez Gómez is an Eisner Award nominated freelance illustrator and artist. She has made illustrations for children’s books like Marsha is MagneticThe City Tree, and Hicotea. Her work has also been featured in independent publications, advertising and fashion magazines. Lorena works from her home studio in Bogota, Columbia.
My Abuela Is a Bruja
Mi abuela es una bruja (My Abuela Is a Bruja Spanish Edition)
¡Me llamo la Chiva!: El colorido bus de los Andes
I Am La Chiva!: The Colorful Bus of the Andes


My Abuela Is a Bruja
Mi abuela es una bruja (My Abuela Is a Bruja Spanish Edition)
¡Me llamo la Chiva!: El colorido bus de los Andes
I Am La Chiva!: The Colorful Bus of the Andes