What Will You Read for October 2023?

By Rachel Mann | August 1 2023 | NewsStaff Picks

Request eGalleys of some of our favorite October titles, and if you love the books, please consider nominating them for LibraryReads! Remember, voting for the October list ends on 9/1.

View our featured picks below, or browse an extended Edelweiss collection here.

Two outcasts find themselves caught in a web of forbidden love, dangerous magic, and dark secrets that could change the world forever in the start of a riveting epic fantasy series from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Shadowhunter Chronicles.

A Novel
From the bestselling, award-winning author of Memorial and Lot, an irresistible, intimate novel about two young men, once best friends, whose lives collide again after a loss.

The Secret History of Women at the CIA
The acclaimed author of Code Girls returns with a revelatory history of three generations at the CIA—the women who fought to become operatives, transformed spy craft, and tracked down Osama Bin Laden.