La sombra de la serpiente / The Serpent's Shadow

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On sale Apr 23, 2019 | 384 Pages | 9788484418900
Age 10 and up | Grades 6-8
Genial, esto va de mal en peor. Apofis anda suelto sembrando el terror allí donde va. Solo nos quedan dos días...

Y, mientras, todos nos dan la espalda. Un grupo de magos rebeldes, encabezados por Sarah Jacobi, nos han acusado a Sadie y a mí de haber provocado el caos y de que Set esté en libertad. Juran que acabarán con nosotros... De los dioses, mejor ni hablar: nadie sabe dónde se han metido, y los que quedan, como Ra, el mismísimo dios del sol, solo piensan en chupetear galletas, babear y tararear cancioncillas sin sentido... Nunca hemos estado tan solos y tan desesperados; solo nos queda una última oportunidad: capturar la sombra de Apofis. Se me olvidaba que nadie hasta ahora lo ha conseguido, así que, si sale mal, no estaremos aquí para contarlo.


The first novel in Mercedes Lackey's magical Elemental Masters series reimagines the fairy tale Snow White in a richly-detailed alternate Edwardian England

Maya Witherspoon lived most of the first twenty-five years of her life in her native India. As the daughter of a prominent British physician and a Brahmin woman of the highest caste, she graduated from the University of Delhi as a Doctor of Medicine by the age of twenty-two.
But the science of medicine was not Maya’s only heritage. For Maya’s aristocratic mother Surya was a sorceress—a former priestess of the mystical magics fueled by the powerful and fearsome pantheon of Indian gods.
Though Maya felt the stirring of magic in her blood, her mother had repeatedly refused to train her. “I cannot,” she had said, her eyes dark with distress, whenever Maya asked. “Yours is the magic of your father’s blood, not mine....” Surya never had the chance to explain this enigmatic statement to her daughter before a mysterious illness claimed her life.

Yet it was Maya’s father’s death shortly thereafter that confirmed her darkest suspicions. For her father was killed by the bite of a krait, a tiny venomous snake, and in the last hours of her mother’s life, Surya had warned Maya to beware “the serpent’s shadow.” Maya knew she must flee the land of her birth or face the same fate as her parents.
In self-imposed exile in Edwardian London, Maya knew that she could not hide forever from the vindictive power that had murdered her parents. She knew in her heart that even a vast ocean couldn’t protect her from “the serpent’s shadow” that had so terrified her mother. Her only hope was to find a way to master her own magic: the magic of her father’s blood. But who would teach her? And could she learn enough to save her life by the time her relentless pursuers caught up with their prey?
Rick Riordan es, sin duda, uno de los autores más respetados de la literatura juvenil. Profesor de instituto de profesión, el fulgurante éxito de la serie Percy Jackson y los dioses del Olimpo (editorial Salamandra) hizo que tuviera que decantarse por la escritura. Su segunda serie, Las crónicas de los Kane, inspirada por el panteón del Antiguo Egipto, le ha granjeado millones de nuevos lectores en todo el mundo y el reconocimiento unánime de la crítica. El hijo de Neptuno es el segundo libro de la serie Los héroes del Olimpo, en la que los dioses romanos, mucho más «humanos» y entrometidos que sus colegas griegos, comparten protagonismo con sus ancestros y sus jóvenes descendientes.


Genial, esto va de mal en peor. Apofis anda suelto sembrando el terror allí donde va. Solo nos quedan dos días...

Y, mientras, todos nos dan la espalda. Un grupo de magos rebeldes, encabezados por Sarah Jacobi, nos han acusado a Sadie y a mí de haber provocado el caos y de que Set esté en libertad. Juran que acabarán con nosotros... De los dioses, mejor ni hablar: nadie sabe dónde se han metido, y los que quedan, como Ra, el mismísimo dios del sol, solo piensan en chupetear galletas, babear y tararear cancioncillas sin sentido... Nunca hemos estado tan solos y tan desesperados; solo nos queda una última oportunidad: capturar la sombra de Apofis. Se me olvidaba que nadie hasta ahora lo ha conseguido, así que, si sale mal, no estaremos aquí para contarlo.


The first novel in Mercedes Lackey's magical Elemental Masters series reimagines the fairy tale Snow White in a richly-detailed alternate Edwardian England

Maya Witherspoon lived most of the first twenty-five years of her life in her native India. As the daughter of a prominent British physician and a Brahmin woman of the highest caste, she graduated from the University of Delhi as a Doctor of Medicine by the age of twenty-two.
But the science of medicine was not Maya’s only heritage. For Maya’s aristocratic mother Surya was a sorceress—a former priestess of the mystical magics fueled by the powerful and fearsome pantheon of Indian gods.
Though Maya felt the stirring of magic in her blood, her mother had repeatedly refused to train her. “I cannot,” she had said, her eyes dark with distress, whenever Maya asked. “Yours is the magic of your father’s blood, not mine....” Surya never had the chance to explain this enigmatic statement to her daughter before a mysterious illness claimed her life.

Yet it was Maya’s father’s death shortly thereafter that confirmed her darkest suspicions. For her father was killed by the bite of a krait, a tiny venomous snake, and in the last hours of her mother’s life, Surya had warned Maya to beware “the serpent’s shadow.” Maya knew she must flee the land of her birth or face the same fate as her parents.
In self-imposed exile in Edwardian London, Maya knew that she could not hide forever from the vindictive power that had murdered her parents. She knew in her heart that even a vast ocean couldn’t protect her from “the serpent’s shadow” that had so terrified her mother. Her only hope was to find a way to master her own magic: the magic of her father’s blood. But who would teach her? And could she learn enough to save her life by the time her relentless pursuers caught up with their prey?


Rick Riordan es, sin duda, uno de los autores más respetados de la literatura juvenil. Profesor de instituto de profesión, el fulgurante éxito de la serie Percy Jackson y los dioses del Olimpo (editorial Salamandra) hizo que tuviera que decantarse por la escritura. Su segunda serie, Las crónicas de los Kane, inspirada por el panteón del Antiguo Egipto, le ha granjeado millones de nuevos lectores en todo el mundo y el reconocimiento unánime de la crítica. El hijo de Neptuno es el segundo libro de la serie Los héroes del Olimpo, en la que los dioses romanos, mucho más «humanos» y entrometidos que sus colegas griegos, comparten protagonismo con sus ancestros y sus jóvenes descendientes.