¿Qué se hace cuando no se puede hacer nada?
La primera novela de la coach emocional Leticia Arévalo: una historia sobre el perdón y el amor propio.
A sus treinta y tres años, la vida de Eva se detiene. Lo único que puede salvarla es un trasplante de corazón, pero dispone de muy pocos días para conseguirlo. Poco tiempo para su cuerpo, que se debilita, mucho tiempo para su mente, que se fortalece.
Aislada y en completa soledad, Eva solo se tiene a sí misma, una libreta y un lápiz. Entonces comienza a escribir cartas a quienes culpa de su malestar: sus ex.
Y mientras escribe, se da cuenta de que en la quietud mental encuentra las respuestas a las preguntas que la han acechado toda su vida; que cada palabra tiene consecuencias, y cada silencio también; que la cura para el mal de amores está en la soledad, y que no es lo mismo vivir que sentirse viva.
Esta es una historia sobre el perdón y el amor más poderoso de todos, el propio. Un recordatorio de que el éxito radica en creer en uno mismo.
Once upon a time, there was a happy couple. She was kind and caring; he was attentive and protective. And then, while life continued down its path, she slowly became a resentful, bitter witch; he became a hostile, indifferent beast.
What happened to them?
Were they, perchance, victims of an unfortunate spell?
Was it possible to change them back to who they were before?
These are their stories… A romantic relationship is an intense life experience; it can be a source of security, company, and enjoyment, or of suffering and bitterness. In it, the angels and demons that each one of us has inside us are shown to their fullest.
It can be an invaluable opportunity for self-discovery and personal growth, or for reinforcing the blindness produced by our defenses in order to not see ourselves, to not need to assume our own responsibilities but rather blame the other person, and thus reinforce destructive games of our egos.
How a Woman Becomes a Witch and a Man Becomes a Beast is a mirror showing the primary attitudes that destroy a relationship, such as the pride that can end up defeating the other person; the infidelity that eats away the basis of trust; the control and violence that annihilate love; and many others that Martha Alicia Chávez invites us to explore. Throughout this enriching reflection, she uses her professional practice as a reference to offer us descriptions of different types of couples, and teaches us the possibilities and new behaviors we can adopt to break the pattern of destruction and rebuild our relationships… if we want to.