The Syndicate 2

Carl Weber Presents

Author Brick, Storm
Mass Market Paperback
$6.99 US
| $7.99 CAN
On sale Sep 26, 2017 | 384 Pages | 9781622864959
All hell has broken loose, and the McPhearson clan is right in the middle of the chaos. After finding out their beloved foster mother, Claudette McPhearson, was anything but the sweet old woman they thought her to be, Javon, Shanelle, and the rest of their siblings hit the ground running in order to keep the Syndicate operating and to keep themselves alive. That also means they have to lose some of the people they love the most.

With the legacy of their mother and her plans for them in motion, the McPhearson children are operating on a broken foundation. Attacked on all fronts, Javon and Shanelle are struggling to keep the family normal, while following the criminal plans of their dead mother. The Syndicate is growing, and Javon is determined to bring in new blood while looking for those who killed Claudette. Not to mention, something odd is going on with all of his siblings that threatens to rock the family to the core. Will the McPhearson clan fall in order for the Syndicate to rise, or will the truth end the legacy before it can even begin?

Filled with sex, lies, love, and lust, Brick's works are sure to keep you gamed. Their hit stories Hood Misfits, volumes 1 to 4, show that E.N.G.A isn't just a phrase; it's life. From Atlanta, Georgia, Brick has lived many of the stories they share. Brick spends their time working in the community. They hope to continue to share their stories and create memorable characters. View titles by Brick
Filled with sex, lies, love, and lust, Storm's works are sure to keep you gamed. Their hit stories Hood Misfits, volumes 1 to 4, show that E.N.G.A isn't just a phrase; it's life. From Atlanta, Georgia, Storm has lived many of the stories they share. Storm spends their time working in the community. They hope to continue to share their stories and create memorable characters. View titles by Storm


All hell has broken loose, and the McPhearson clan is right in the middle of the chaos. After finding out their beloved foster mother, Claudette McPhearson, was anything but the sweet old woman they thought her to be, Javon, Shanelle, and the rest of their siblings hit the ground running in order to keep the Syndicate operating and to keep themselves alive. That also means they have to lose some of the people they love the most.

With the legacy of their mother and her plans for them in motion, the McPhearson children are operating on a broken foundation. Attacked on all fronts, Javon and Shanelle are struggling to keep the family normal, while following the criminal plans of their dead mother. The Syndicate is growing, and Javon is determined to bring in new blood while looking for those who killed Claudette. Not to mention, something odd is going on with all of his siblings that threatens to rock the family to the core. Will the McPhearson clan fall in order for the Syndicate to rise, or will the truth end the legacy before it can even begin?


Filled with sex, lies, love, and lust, Brick's works are sure to keep you gamed. Their hit stories Hood Misfits, volumes 1 to 4, show that E.N.G.A isn't just a phrase; it's life. From Atlanta, Georgia, Brick has lived many of the stories they share. Brick spends their time working in the community. They hope to continue to share their stories and create memorable characters. View titles by Brick
Filled with sex, lies, love, and lust, Storm's works are sure to keep you gamed. Their hit stories Hood Misfits, volumes 1 to 4, show that E.N.G.A isn't just a phrase; it's life. From Atlanta, Georgia, Storm has lived many of the stories they share. Storm spends their time working in the community. They hope to continue to share their stories and create memorable characters. View titles by Storm