Joy Bauer's Food Cures

Treat Common Health Concerns, Look Younger & Live Longer

Comprehensively updated with cutting-edge research and expertise from one of the country's foremost nutritionists, Joy Bauer's Food Cures shows you how common health concerns--from beauty issues to life-threatening diseases--can be managed, treated, and sometimes even cured by the foods you eat. Inside you will find easy-to-follow 4-step food prescriptions, customizable and convenient meal plans, and delicious recipes for your favorite meals and snacks. With Joy's wisdom and practical, medically sound advice, you will learn how to use food as nature's ultimate medicine.
Part one

Welcome to My Office

Chapter 1

Welcome to my Office

My motto is this: Life is hard . . . food should be easy.

But for many people, knowing what to eat, when to eat, and how much to eat

is a puzzle they have lost all hope of ever solving.

Anyone who has ever tried to make a commitment to healthy eating knows the

obstacles: The dizzying number of choices in grocery stores and restaurants

. . . the crazy, always-on-the-go schedules of nearly every member of the

family . . . the relentless hype and marketing surrounding fatty and sugary

snack foods . . . and the powerful appetites fueled by habits, traditions,

and humongous portion sizes. As if that wasn't enough pressure, add in the

swirl of conflicting information about specific diets-high-carb versus low-

carb, high-fat versus low-fat, calorie-counting versus no-counting, cabbage

versus grapefruit versus eggs versus whatever.

Who wouldn't feel overwhelmed and frustrated? And when we're frustrated, we

tend to fall back into old, unhealthy eating patterns. Have you ever gone

on a diet to lose weight, but ended up gaining weight instead? Or did you

lose weight only to put it back on again within a year or two? Has your

doctor ever put you on a special diet to treat a health problem, but you

soon abandoned it because it was just too complicated

for real life? If so, you're not alone. These scenarios happen more often

than you might think. No one consciously plans to eat her way into a larger

dress size, or to make himself a candidate for triple bypass surgery. But

dietary uncertainty can turn the best intentions sour, even when the stakes

are high. When it comes to good nutrition, it is so easy to go from being

totally motivated to feeling utterly defeated.

It doesn't have to be that way. Whatever else is going on in your life,

food should be the least of your worries. Eating is a piece of cake.


How Food Makes Us Nuts

I understand why you might be skeptical. We have a strange love/hate

relationship with food. We want to eat cupcakes, but be as slim as Jennifer

Aniston. We fantasize about our ideal meal, but settle for a burger and

fries from a drive-through window. We buy "skinny jeans" for the body we

want to have, but then eat comfort foods because those jeans don't fit

anything but our dreams. Love/hate-two sides of the same sneaky cookie.

Food does more than nourish us, so it makes sense that it can elicit

complex feelings. Of course, its most important role is to nourish us-to

give us the vitamins, minerals, energy, and nutrients necessary to keep us

alive and healthy-but food is also about love and family traditions. It's

how we celebrate and comfort and nurture-which is why food is at the center

of weddings and funerals, and it's the first thing we think to bring when

we hear a friend is sick. Food is about taking away the pain that comes

from hunger, but it also has become about easing our boredom, stress, or

depression. We tend to eat too much of almost everything whenever we get

the chance. We eat in the car, at work, in front of the TV, or standing

over the kitchen sink. We snack before meals, after meals, and sometimes in

the middle of the night, sometimes without even waking up. Next to sex,

eating is the activity most responsible for making us feel any number of

emotions, including happiness, longing, pride, pleasure, shame, weakness,

and power.

Food is like that great, big proverbial elephant in the room-which also

follows you around all day. We try to ignore it, but every time we turn

around, there it is. Yet despite the huge (mammoth!) role food plays in our

lives, we don't really know how to talk about it, at least not in a way

that helps us make the best choices when it comes time to eat.

I believe the reason some diets become wildly popular for a time is that

they allow us to understand food and eating in a new way, and they give us

a different language to use when trying to sort out our confusion. Think

about it: During the past few years, we've all learned the language of

"Carbs"-what carbs are, what low-carb eating looks like, the difference

between net carbs and total carbs, bad carbs and good carbs, et cetera, et

cetera. Before that, we studied the language of "Fats." And before fats, we

all knew how to parse calories.

So it's not that people lack information about food and eating. In fact,

most of us have more information than we know what to do with. Literally.

Many of my clients have such sophisticated vocabularies that they sound

like third-year nutrition students. The problem is that they don't know how

to combine all the disparate pieces of the diet puzzle into a plan that

they can use to achieve their individual, highly personal goals. They are

eager-desperate, even-to gain control over food. But they can't do it with

words alone!

That's where I come in.

The Power of a Step-Wise Program

In my 16 years as a nutritionist, I've helped thousands of people overcome

their worst problems with eating. In the process, they have grown stronger

and healthier. In many cases, they have added 10, 15, or even 20 years to

their lives by controlling or even reversing disease processes.

How can food turn your life around? Let me tell you about 56-year-old

Stephen, a high-powered lawyer who was all but ordered by his doctors to

make an appointment with me. To say he was initially resistant to seeing a

nutritionist would be an understatement. It was a hard sell, but in the end

the encouragement (and begging and pleading) of his wife and children

persuaded him to come to see me.

He was a nutritional wreck. At 5' 9" tall, Stephen was significantly

overweight at 250 £ds. His body mass index (BMI) was 37, officially

classifying him as obese. His lab values were high across the board: High

cholesterol and triglycerides put him at high risk of heart disease, and

high fasting glucose levels meant Stephen was officially diagnosed with

type 2 diabetes.

To try to get control over these risk factors, Stephen's doctors put him on

three powerhouse medications-a blood pressure drug, a statin to lower his

cholesterol, and Glucophage to lower his blood sugar. And then I got a hold

of him.

I gave him a food plan to help him lose weight, lower blood sugar, and

lower his cholesterol . . . and when he had an episode of gout, I gave him

tips on how to treat that, too. Once he overcame his initial reluctance,

Stephen approached his new eating program with the same intensity he used

to succeed in every other aspect of his life. He made a spreadsheet to

track his weight loss and his lab numbers, he used his eating plan like a

script: he memorized and followed it religiously. He consulted me whenever

circumstances made it more than likely he would need to deviate from it-to

make sure he wouldn't do too much harm. He ate cake at his birthday party,

he socialized with friends, and he enjoyed holiday celebrations-but all

within the guidelines of his food program.

At the end of a year, Stephen had lost more than 60 £ds, bringing him

down to under 190. His critical blood measurements-triglycerides,

cholesterol, and fasting glucose-all dropped to within normal ranges. He

continued to take the statin, but he was able to stop taking the Glucophage

and the blood pressure medication. As of this writing, Stephen has

maintained his weight loss and health benefits for three years. His doctor

told him that because of the nutritional changes, Stephen has probably

added at least ten healthy years to his life.

As amazing as this story sounds, Stephen's results are not unusual, and

well within anyone's reach. No matter what your personal health goals are,

I have a terrific food plan for you. I'll even help you figure out exactly

what your goals should be.

My goal is to make reading this book as much as possible like a one-on-one

consultation with me in my New York office. I'll tell you everything you

need to know to lose weight, look gorgeous, improve your mood and memory,

boost your bone density, and stay healthy. I'll even give you a script to

follow-a focused four-step program that spells out everything you need to

know to think and eat just like a nutritionist. In short, I'll provide

everything you need for success.

Step Inside My Office

Let's start at the beginning, with the absolute basics. One of the main

questions I'm asked over and over is what defines good nutrition. In

general, it means eating the right foods in the right combinations

throughout the day to optimize your energy and overall health.

Of course, the people who come to see me lead different lives and strive to

achieve a wide range of goals. So for some, good nutrition means focusing

on increasing energy. I've worked with professional and student athletes,

dancers, actors, and business executives who need to maintain a consistent

level of performance. For other people who have a strong family history of

disease, good nutrition means minimizing their risk of heart disease,

diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, migraine headaches, arthritis, osteoporosis,

or cancer. For others, it means finding a way to lose the weight they might

have been struggling with for years.

A while ago, a man I'll call Bruce called me up and told me that one of his

friends had lost a ton of weight after he became my client, and now he

looked phenomenal. His buddy said that I worked miracles. Bruce was calling

because he had a weight problem, but he was a busy person. He knew all the

tricks, had been on all the diets, had gained and lost 100 £ds more

times than he could count, and didn't want to bother with an appointment if

I couldn't guarantee success. "Tell me," he said, "are you the person who

is absolutely going to help me prevail, once and for all?"

He didn't mince words! But he just asked outright what everyone really

wants to know-can my programs work, immediately, quickly, and forever? The

short answer to that question is Yes, dramatic and long-lasting results are

absolutely possible . . . but the chance of success depends entirely on

you. I don't want to give anyone false promises, not in my office and not

in this book. I'm only as good as my clients' follow-through, so if you're

after the kind of transformation that your friends (like Bruce's) will call

miraculous, I'm here to help. I can show you how to evaluate your needs,

give you a dynamite eating plan, and guide you through some of the most

common nutritional pitfalls. We are a team-I'm your food coach, but

ultimately you're the one who'll be doing the heavy lifting.

A Few Words about Commitment

In the end, no matter what spurs you to seek help, three things are

necessary for you to meet your goals:

1) The right coach. Well, you've got me, so cross this one off your

list. I have a great track record for success with my clients.

2) Rock-solid nutrition and health information. Cross this one off the

list, too, because that's what this book is all about.

3) Your personal commitment to stay in it for the long haul. This one is

up to you!

Personal commitment is a big deal. None of this will work for very long if

you're only following a food program because you're going on vacation, or

because someone else is on your back about losing weight. You have to be

doing this for you. You have to want results and be willing to work for

them no matter what obstacles get in your way. After the September 11

attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, I heard lots of stories

about how people ran for comfort foods and the liquor cabinet and gave

themselves permission to overeat and drink . . . for weeks. My belief is

that it's incredibly important-especially in times of crisis-to eat right

and stay on top of your health.

Think about it: Whenever you say "I'm overwhelmed, I've got too many things

on my plate"-or "I'm depressed . . . or too busy . . . or too anxious"-what

do you do? If you're like most people, you give up on good nutrition and

eat foods that make you sick, contribute to your illness, or put on weight

you spent months trying to shed. In the end, you're left feeling depressed,

sluggish, and easily angered. How is that helpful?

That's why I really think that any time could be the right time to make

food changes. Your commitment is what's important, the commitment to eating

well the majority of the time-not perfect foods, but healthy foods. It is a

commitment you'll need to honor when you're home, when you're out, when

you're shopping, and when you're socializing. It's a commitment to totally

change your lifestyle.

Prepare Yourself

Changing how you eat is never easy. The first step is to get in the right

place mentally. If we're going to try to create a little nutritional magic,

there are a few things you need to do to prepare for this adventure:

. Limit your use of the word diet. I am a registered dietitian, but I

hate that word, so I call myself a nutritionist instead. Diet seems to have

horrible connotations. It is impossible to use the word diet in a sentence

without sounding sad or judgmental. Try it: "I really should go on a diet."

"My doctor put me on a diet." "Boy, if anyone needs to diet, he does." The

only time diet doesn't sound like a prison sentence is when we talk happily

about going off one. Try not to use the D-word; it will just demoralize


. Repeat after me: "I can do this!" The prospect of trying another

weight-loss program can feel like staring into a black hole-no joy, no

light, no end in sight. It's easy to feel defeated before you even begin,

so some degree of nervousness is understandable. But a more appropriate

response is enthusiasm and confidence. Trust me. I'm a professional. I've

done this hundreds and hundreds of times before. No matter what your

personal issues are, I've seen worse (and you'll read some of those stories

in the chapters to come). I will give you all the secrets for success I've

learned over the years.

. Dare to make the leap. Pop quiz: Which is more fun, wading into the

shallow end of the pool or doing a cannonball off the diving board? When we

were kids, all we wanted to do was jump into the deep end. We tend to lose

that sense of courage and daring along the way. As adults, we need to find

a way to get back that feeling of one . . . two . . . three . . . let's

go! And we're talking about nutritional changes, so you can't hurt yourself

by making a full, unrestrained leap. This is about your health-the only

risk is if you don't do anything. So go ahead, take a deep breath, and jump


. Think big. As far as I'm concerned, small changes add up to small

results. Grand changes equal grand, life-altering results. We're on this

earth for such a short time that I don't believe we have the luxury to move

slowly. And face it, it can be just as hard to make a small change as it is

to go for the whole enchilada (so to speak). So, you might as well go for

it. Make the big changes! The payoffs will be larger, and your

gratification will come sooner.

. When the going gets tough, remember that it's just food. That
“Whether you're trying to lose weight, get glowing skin, or reduce your risk of diabetes and heart disease, Joy takes the guesswork out of healthy eating. Even better, she gives step-by-step plans that make it easy to work these foods into your everyday life.” —Elizabeth Mayhew, editor-in-chief of Woman's Day magazine

“Joy Bauer has done it again: This book truly moves the conversation about nutrition forward. Joy is one of those rare experts who understands the entire spectrum of food, consumerism, and medicine, and in Food Cures, she encourages the American family to adapt with a large does of urgency, compassion, and common sense.” —Nancy Snyderman, MD, FACS, chief medical editor for NBC News

“Joy wants to help you live longer. What better gift could you give the people who love you?” —Ann Curry, cohost of the Today show

“This is one book that will change your life! Good nutrition is about more than diet and counting calories: It's a lifestyle of healthy choices that could improve your body and help prevent or cure certain ailments. Joy's step-by-step guidelines make for a hard-to-fail program that gives you the most out of what you eat-and yes, may even change your life.” —Natalie Morales, news anchor for the Today show

“If you think of food as the enemy, then you need to devour this book. Joy has compiled the total guide to 'eating yourself healthy.' It's no surprise I call her the patron saint of no-nonsense nutrition.” —Meredith Vieira, cohost of the Today show

“Joy Bauer is the best nutritionist in the world!” —Shaquille O'Neal

“Joy Bauer, a fabulous nutritionist, has produced a great resource for understanding the relation of specific components of healthy diet to fighting common diseases of our Western civilization diseases largely caused by our toxic lifestyle.” —Arthur Agatston, MD, best-selling author of The South Beach Diet and The South Beach Heart Program

“I have nothing but the utmost respect for Joy and her work. For many years she has helped me and my family with dieting and nutrition. She is forever searching for new ways to improve health and wellness. She is a star in my eyes.” —Tommy Mottola, music mogul, former chairman Sony Music Entertainment

“When it comes to questions about nutrition, Joy Bauer is your go-to source. She's got all the facts, with great tips for healthy eating and living with a totally sensible and, more importantly, realistic outlook on all of it. In my experience, this is the woman--and now the book with the answers.” —Bobby Flay, chef/owner Mesa Grill, Bolo, Bar Americain, and Bobby Flay Steak, and author of Grilling For Life

“While reading Joy Bauer's Food Cures, I felt like I was visiting with Joy at her office. The book captures her real-life persona . . . one of encouragement, humor, resiliency, support, genuine concern . . . and, above all, her ability to present realistic and practical options in achieving your personal goals and objectives!” —Paul Carlucci, publisher of the New York Post

“Joy Bauer has somehow made the impossible, possible. She makes smart eating, weight loss, and now, in this book, preventive and curative health a reality. Joy's simple and practical steps are easy to follow, even for those who feel challenged in this area. Our family knows firsthand that success is inevitable when you listen to Joy.” —Jessica Seinfeld, author and founder/president, Baby Buggy, Inc.

“In a world crammed with crackhead nutritionists, Joy Bauer is a beacon of sanity. No joke she saved my life.” —Dany Levy, founder and editor-in-chief of DailyCandy

“Joy Bauer is an amazing food coach! Food Cures will connect the dots between eating well, feeling healthy, and really enjoying your life.” —Vicki Wellington, associate publisher, Domino magazine

“This is an easy-to-read, absolutely comprehensive, medically accurate guide to food as a body fuel. This book is a real contribution to the field it explains the principles of nutrition and lays out the practices of eating for health and well-being. It is a gem.” —Orli R. Etingin, MD, professor of clinical medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York Presbyterian Hospital

“Joy has written a superb, readable, and tremendously useful book that distills all her expertise into a volume I will use personally and give to all my patients. It's uniquely valuable.” —Marianne J. Legato, MD, founder and director of the Foundation for Gender-Specific Medicine, Inc.; professor of clinical medicine, Columbia University; and adjunct professor of medicine, Johns Hopkins

“Wow! Joy has finally given us what we need. She has written a comprehensive, well-researched, easy-to-use nutritional guide for people who want to protect their vision from cataracts and macular degeneration.” —Paul T. Finger, MD, FACS, clinical professor of ophthalmology, New York University School of Medicine, and author of The Macular Degeneration Network

“Joy Bauer has been the 'go-to' nutritionist in New York for many years. This easy-to-read book captures her warmth, her humor, her clinical wisdom, and her vast experience, and gives sensible advice about managing your diet and staying healthy. It is a most welcome resource!” —B. Timothy Walsh, MD, Ruane Professor of Psychiatry, College of Physicians & Surgeons, Columbia University; and director, Eating Disorders Research Unit, New York Psychiatric Institute

“Joy's book serves up heaping portions of useful nutritional and general health information, coupled with lots of common sense advice and guidance. She spices it up with great anecdotes and recipes, written in a conversation style that makes this book a joy to read. I thought I'd just glance at the Weight Loss and Beautiful Skin chapters, but each chapter was filled with so many goodies I could not put it down.” —Marsha Gordon, MD, clinical professor, dermatology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine

“Joy Bauer's Food Cures offers a welcome addition to my shelf of trusted books. It is a well-researched guidebook for helping select the foods that will make and keep you healthy.” —Evelyn Attia, MD, associate director, The Eating Disorders Clinic, New York State Psychiatric Institute, and associate clinical professor of psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons

“Joy Bauer's new book is well written, easily read, and a great guide for eating properly. Her style and 4-step outlines make it easy for anyone to understand and follow the programs. It is a great recipe for all of us to learn.” —Phillip Bauman, MD, orthopaedic consultant for the New York City Ballet
Joy Bauer, M.S., R.D., C.D.N., maintains a thriving practice where she provides counseling to both adults and children dealing with a variety of nutritional concerns. Furthermore, she has been featured on Entertainment Tonight, The View, VH1, Fox News Channel, and MSNBC, and regularly contributes to articles appearing in Fitness, Allure, Cosmopolitan, Family Circle, Ladies’ Home Journal, New York Post, and more. She received her Bachelor’s degree in kinesiological sciences from the University of Maryland and a Master of Science in nutrition and physical fitness from New York University. View titles by Joy Bauer
Carol Svec is a health researcher and freelance writer who specializes in explaining complex medical issues to consumers. Svec has more than twenty years of research experience and has written extensively for consumer health publications and websites. She lives in Wake Forest, North Carolina. View titles by Carol Svec


Comprehensively updated with cutting-edge research and expertise from one of the country's foremost nutritionists, Joy Bauer's Food Cures shows you how common health concerns--from beauty issues to life-threatening diseases--can be managed, treated, and sometimes even cured by the foods you eat. Inside you will find easy-to-follow 4-step food prescriptions, customizable and convenient meal plans, and delicious recipes for your favorite meals and snacks. With Joy's wisdom and practical, medically sound advice, you will learn how to use food as nature's ultimate medicine.


Part one

Welcome to My Office

Chapter 1

Welcome to my Office

My motto is this: Life is hard . . . food should be easy.

But for many people, knowing what to eat, when to eat, and how much to eat

is a puzzle they have lost all hope of ever solving.

Anyone who has ever tried to make a commitment to healthy eating knows the

obstacles: The dizzying number of choices in grocery stores and restaurants

. . . the crazy, always-on-the-go schedules of nearly every member of the

family . . . the relentless hype and marketing surrounding fatty and sugary

snack foods . . . and the powerful appetites fueled by habits, traditions,

and humongous portion sizes. As if that wasn't enough pressure, add in the

swirl of conflicting information about specific diets-high-carb versus low-

carb, high-fat versus low-fat, calorie-counting versus no-counting, cabbage

versus grapefruit versus eggs versus whatever.

Who wouldn't feel overwhelmed and frustrated? And when we're frustrated, we

tend to fall back into old, unhealthy eating patterns. Have you ever gone

on a diet to lose weight, but ended up gaining weight instead? Or did you

lose weight only to put it back on again within a year or two? Has your

doctor ever put you on a special diet to treat a health problem, but you

soon abandoned it because it was just too complicated

for real life? If so, you're not alone. These scenarios happen more often

than you might think. No one consciously plans to eat her way into a larger

dress size, or to make himself a candidate for triple bypass surgery. But

dietary uncertainty can turn the best intentions sour, even when the stakes

are high. When it comes to good nutrition, it is so easy to go from being

totally motivated to feeling utterly defeated.

It doesn't have to be that way. Whatever else is going on in your life,

food should be the least of your worries. Eating is a piece of cake.


How Food Makes Us Nuts

I understand why you might be skeptical. We have a strange love/hate

relationship with food. We want to eat cupcakes, but be as slim as Jennifer

Aniston. We fantasize about our ideal meal, but settle for a burger and

fries from a drive-through window. We buy "skinny jeans" for the body we

want to have, but then eat comfort foods because those jeans don't fit

anything but our dreams. Love/hate-two sides of the same sneaky cookie.

Food does more than nourish us, so it makes sense that it can elicit

complex feelings. Of course, its most important role is to nourish us-to

give us the vitamins, minerals, energy, and nutrients necessary to keep us

alive and healthy-but food is also about love and family traditions. It's

how we celebrate and comfort and nurture-which is why food is at the center

of weddings and funerals, and it's the first thing we think to bring when

we hear a friend is sick. Food is about taking away the pain that comes

from hunger, but it also has become about easing our boredom, stress, or

depression. We tend to eat too much of almost everything whenever we get

the chance. We eat in the car, at work, in front of the TV, or standing

over the kitchen sink. We snack before meals, after meals, and sometimes in

the middle of the night, sometimes without even waking up. Next to sex,

eating is the activity most responsible for making us feel any number of

emotions, including happiness, longing, pride, pleasure, shame, weakness,

and power.

Food is like that great, big proverbial elephant in the room-which also

follows you around all day. We try to ignore it, but every time we turn

around, there it is. Yet despite the huge (mammoth!) role food plays in our

lives, we don't really know how to talk about it, at least not in a way

that helps us make the best choices when it comes time to eat.

I believe the reason some diets become wildly popular for a time is that

they allow us to understand food and eating in a new way, and they give us

a different language to use when trying to sort out our confusion. Think

about it: During the past few years, we've all learned the language of

"Carbs"-what carbs are, what low-carb eating looks like, the difference

between net carbs and total carbs, bad carbs and good carbs, et cetera, et

cetera. Before that, we studied the language of "Fats." And before fats, we

all knew how to parse calories.

So it's not that people lack information about food and eating. In fact,

most of us have more information than we know what to do with. Literally.

Many of my clients have such sophisticated vocabularies that they sound

like third-year nutrition students. The problem is that they don't know how

to combine all the disparate pieces of the diet puzzle into a plan that

they can use to achieve their individual, highly personal goals. They are

eager-desperate, even-to gain control over food. But they can't do it with

words alone!

That's where I come in.

The Power of a Step-Wise Program

In my 16 years as a nutritionist, I've helped thousands of people overcome

their worst problems with eating. In the process, they have grown stronger

and healthier. In many cases, they have added 10, 15, or even 20 years to

their lives by controlling or even reversing disease processes.

How can food turn your life around? Let me tell you about 56-year-old

Stephen, a high-powered lawyer who was all but ordered by his doctors to

make an appointment with me. To say he was initially resistant to seeing a

nutritionist would be an understatement. It was a hard sell, but in the end

the encouragement (and begging and pleading) of his wife and children

persuaded him to come to see me.

He was a nutritional wreck. At 5' 9" tall, Stephen was significantly

overweight at 250 £ds. His body mass index (BMI) was 37, officially

classifying him as obese. His lab values were high across the board: High

cholesterol and triglycerides put him at high risk of heart disease, and

high fasting glucose levels meant Stephen was officially diagnosed with

type 2 diabetes.

To try to get control over these risk factors, Stephen's doctors put him on

three powerhouse medications-a blood pressure drug, a statin to lower his

cholesterol, and Glucophage to lower his blood sugar. And then I got a hold

of him.

I gave him a food plan to help him lose weight, lower blood sugar, and

lower his cholesterol . . . and when he had an episode of gout, I gave him

tips on how to treat that, too. Once he overcame his initial reluctance,

Stephen approached his new eating program with the same intensity he used

to succeed in every other aspect of his life. He made a spreadsheet to

track his weight loss and his lab numbers, he used his eating plan like a

script: he memorized and followed it religiously. He consulted me whenever

circumstances made it more than likely he would need to deviate from it-to

make sure he wouldn't do too much harm. He ate cake at his birthday party,

he socialized with friends, and he enjoyed holiday celebrations-but all

within the guidelines of his food program.

At the end of a year, Stephen had lost more than 60 £ds, bringing him

down to under 190. His critical blood measurements-triglycerides,

cholesterol, and fasting glucose-all dropped to within normal ranges. He

continued to take the statin, but he was able to stop taking the Glucophage

and the blood pressure medication. As of this writing, Stephen has

maintained his weight loss and health benefits for three years. His doctor

told him that because of the nutritional changes, Stephen has probably

added at least ten healthy years to his life.

As amazing as this story sounds, Stephen's results are not unusual, and

well within anyone's reach. No matter what your personal health goals are,

I have a terrific food plan for you. I'll even help you figure out exactly

what your goals should be.

My goal is to make reading this book as much as possible like a one-on-one

consultation with me in my New York office. I'll tell you everything you

need to know to lose weight, look gorgeous, improve your mood and memory,

boost your bone density, and stay healthy. I'll even give you a script to

follow-a focused four-step program that spells out everything you need to

know to think and eat just like a nutritionist. In short, I'll provide

everything you need for success.

Step Inside My Office

Let's start at the beginning, with the absolute basics. One of the main

questions I'm asked over and over is what defines good nutrition. In

general, it means eating the right foods in the right combinations

throughout the day to optimize your energy and overall health.

Of course, the people who come to see me lead different lives and strive to

achieve a wide range of goals. So for some, good nutrition means focusing

on increasing energy. I've worked with professional and student athletes,

dancers, actors, and business executives who need to maintain a consistent

level of performance. For other people who have a strong family history of

disease, good nutrition means minimizing their risk of heart disease,

diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, migraine headaches, arthritis, osteoporosis,

or cancer. For others, it means finding a way to lose the weight they might

have been struggling with for years.

A while ago, a man I'll call Bruce called me up and told me that one of his

friends had lost a ton of weight after he became my client, and now he

looked phenomenal. His buddy said that I worked miracles. Bruce was calling

because he had a weight problem, but he was a busy person. He knew all the

tricks, had been on all the diets, had gained and lost 100 £ds more

times than he could count, and didn't want to bother with an appointment if

I couldn't guarantee success. "Tell me," he said, "are you the person who

is absolutely going to help me prevail, once and for all?"

He didn't mince words! But he just asked outright what everyone really

wants to know-can my programs work, immediately, quickly, and forever? The

short answer to that question is Yes, dramatic and long-lasting results are

absolutely possible . . . but the chance of success depends entirely on

you. I don't want to give anyone false promises, not in my office and not

in this book. I'm only as good as my clients' follow-through, so if you're

after the kind of transformation that your friends (like Bruce's) will call

miraculous, I'm here to help. I can show you how to evaluate your needs,

give you a dynamite eating plan, and guide you through some of the most

common nutritional pitfalls. We are a team-I'm your food coach, but

ultimately you're the one who'll be doing the heavy lifting.

A Few Words about Commitment

In the end, no matter what spurs you to seek help, three things are

necessary for you to meet your goals:

1) The right coach. Well, you've got me, so cross this one off your

list. I have a great track record for success with my clients.

2) Rock-solid nutrition and health information. Cross this one off the

list, too, because that's what this book is all about.

3) Your personal commitment to stay in it for the long haul. This one is

up to you!

Personal commitment is a big deal. None of this will work for very long if

you're only following a food program because you're going on vacation, or

because someone else is on your back about losing weight. You have to be

doing this for you. You have to want results and be willing to work for

them no matter what obstacles get in your way. After the September 11

attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, I heard lots of stories

about how people ran for comfort foods and the liquor cabinet and gave

themselves permission to overeat and drink . . . for weeks. My belief is

that it's incredibly important-especially in times of crisis-to eat right

and stay on top of your health.

Think about it: Whenever you say "I'm overwhelmed, I've got too many things

on my plate"-or "I'm depressed . . . or too busy . . . or too anxious"-what

do you do? If you're like most people, you give up on good nutrition and

eat foods that make you sick, contribute to your illness, or put on weight

you spent months trying to shed. In the end, you're left feeling depressed,

sluggish, and easily angered. How is that helpful?

That's why I really think that any time could be the right time to make

food changes. Your commitment is what's important, the commitment to eating

well the majority of the time-not perfect foods, but healthy foods. It is a

commitment you'll need to honor when you're home, when you're out, when

you're shopping, and when you're socializing. It's a commitment to totally

change your lifestyle.

Prepare Yourself

Changing how you eat is never easy. The first step is to get in the right

place mentally. If we're going to try to create a little nutritional magic,

there are a few things you need to do to prepare for this adventure:

. Limit your use of the word diet. I am a registered dietitian, but I

hate that word, so I call myself a nutritionist instead. Diet seems to have

horrible connotations. It is impossible to use the word diet in a sentence

without sounding sad or judgmental. Try it: "I really should go on a diet."

"My doctor put me on a diet." "Boy, if anyone needs to diet, he does." The

only time diet doesn't sound like a prison sentence is when we talk happily

about going off one. Try not to use the D-word; it will just demoralize


. Repeat after me: "I can do this!" The prospect of trying another

weight-loss program can feel like staring into a black hole-no joy, no

light, no end in sight. It's easy to feel defeated before you even begin,

so some degree of nervousness is understandable. But a more appropriate

response is enthusiasm and confidence. Trust me. I'm a professional. I've

done this hundreds and hundreds of times before. No matter what your

personal issues are, I've seen worse (and you'll read some of those stories

in the chapters to come). I will give you all the secrets for success I've

learned over the years.

. Dare to make the leap. Pop quiz: Which is more fun, wading into the

shallow end of the pool or doing a cannonball off the diving board? When we

were kids, all we wanted to do was jump into the deep end. We tend to lose

that sense of courage and daring along the way. As adults, we need to find

a way to get back that feeling of one . . . two . . . three . . . let's

go! And we're talking about nutritional changes, so you can't hurt yourself

by making a full, unrestrained leap. This is about your health-the only

risk is if you don't do anything. So go ahead, take a deep breath, and jump


. Think big. As far as I'm concerned, small changes add up to small

results. Grand changes equal grand, life-altering results. We're on this

earth for such a short time that I don't believe we have the luxury to move

slowly. And face it, it can be just as hard to make a small change as it is

to go for the whole enchilada (so to speak). So, you might as well go for

it. Make the big changes! The payoffs will be larger, and your

gratification will come sooner.

. When the going gets tough, remember that it's just food. That


“Whether you're trying to lose weight, get glowing skin, or reduce your risk of diabetes and heart disease, Joy takes the guesswork out of healthy eating. Even better, she gives step-by-step plans that make it easy to work these foods into your everyday life.” —Elizabeth Mayhew, editor-in-chief of Woman's Day magazine

“Joy Bauer has done it again: This book truly moves the conversation about nutrition forward. Joy is one of those rare experts who understands the entire spectrum of food, consumerism, and medicine, and in Food Cures, she encourages the American family to adapt with a large does of urgency, compassion, and common sense.” —Nancy Snyderman, MD, FACS, chief medical editor for NBC News

“Joy wants to help you live longer. What better gift could you give the people who love you?” —Ann Curry, cohost of the Today show

“This is one book that will change your life! Good nutrition is about more than diet and counting calories: It's a lifestyle of healthy choices that could improve your body and help prevent or cure certain ailments. Joy's step-by-step guidelines make for a hard-to-fail program that gives you the most out of what you eat-and yes, may even change your life.” —Natalie Morales, news anchor for the Today show

“If you think of food as the enemy, then you need to devour this book. Joy has compiled the total guide to 'eating yourself healthy.' It's no surprise I call her the patron saint of no-nonsense nutrition.” —Meredith Vieira, cohost of the Today show

“Joy Bauer is the best nutritionist in the world!” —Shaquille O'Neal

“Joy Bauer, a fabulous nutritionist, has produced a great resource for understanding the relation of specific components of healthy diet to fighting common diseases of our Western civilization diseases largely caused by our toxic lifestyle.” —Arthur Agatston, MD, best-selling author of The South Beach Diet and The South Beach Heart Program

“I have nothing but the utmost respect for Joy and her work. For many years she has helped me and my family with dieting and nutrition. She is forever searching for new ways to improve health and wellness. She is a star in my eyes.” —Tommy Mottola, music mogul, former chairman Sony Music Entertainment

“When it comes to questions about nutrition, Joy Bauer is your go-to source. She's got all the facts, with great tips for healthy eating and living with a totally sensible and, more importantly, realistic outlook on all of it. In my experience, this is the woman--and now the book with the answers.” —Bobby Flay, chef/owner Mesa Grill, Bolo, Bar Americain, and Bobby Flay Steak, and author of Grilling For Life

“While reading Joy Bauer's Food Cures, I felt like I was visiting with Joy at her office. The book captures her real-life persona . . . one of encouragement, humor, resiliency, support, genuine concern . . . and, above all, her ability to present realistic and practical options in achieving your personal goals and objectives!” —Paul Carlucci, publisher of the New York Post

“Joy Bauer has somehow made the impossible, possible. She makes smart eating, weight loss, and now, in this book, preventive and curative health a reality. Joy's simple and practical steps are easy to follow, even for those who feel challenged in this area. Our family knows firsthand that success is inevitable when you listen to Joy.” —Jessica Seinfeld, author and founder/president, Baby Buggy, Inc.

“In a world crammed with crackhead nutritionists, Joy Bauer is a beacon of sanity. No joke she saved my life.” —Dany Levy, founder and editor-in-chief of DailyCandy

“Joy Bauer is an amazing food coach! Food Cures will connect the dots between eating well, feeling healthy, and really enjoying your life.” —Vicki Wellington, associate publisher, Domino magazine

“This is an easy-to-read, absolutely comprehensive, medically accurate guide to food as a body fuel. This book is a real contribution to the field it explains the principles of nutrition and lays out the practices of eating for health and well-being. It is a gem.” —Orli R. Etingin, MD, professor of clinical medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York Presbyterian Hospital

“Joy has written a superb, readable, and tremendously useful book that distills all her expertise into a volume I will use personally and give to all my patients. It's uniquely valuable.” —Marianne J. Legato, MD, founder and director of the Foundation for Gender-Specific Medicine, Inc.; professor of clinical medicine, Columbia University; and adjunct professor of medicine, Johns Hopkins

“Wow! Joy has finally given us what we need. She has written a comprehensive, well-researched, easy-to-use nutritional guide for people who want to protect their vision from cataracts and macular degeneration.” —Paul T. Finger, MD, FACS, clinical professor of ophthalmology, New York University School of Medicine, and author of The Macular Degeneration Network

“Joy Bauer has been the 'go-to' nutritionist in New York for many years. This easy-to-read book captures her warmth, her humor, her clinical wisdom, and her vast experience, and gives sensible advice about managing your diet and staying healthy. It is a most welcome resource!” —B. Timothy Walsh, MD, Ruane Professor of Psychiatry, College of Physicians & Surgeons, Columbia University; and director, Eating Disorders Research Unit, New York Psychiatric Institute

“Joy's book serves up heaping portions of useful nutritional and general health information, coupled with lots of common sense advice and guidance. She spices it up with great anecdotes and recipes, written in a conversation style that makes this book a joy to read. I thought I'd just glance at the Weight Loss and Beautiful Skin chapters, but each chapter was filled with so many goodies I could not put it down.” —Marsha Gordon, MD, clinical professor, dermatology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine

“Joy Bauer's Food Cures offers a welcome addition to my shelf of trusted books. It is a well-researched guidebook for helping select the foods that will make and keep you healthy.” —Evelyn Attia, MD, associate director, The Eating Disorders Clinic, New York State Psychiatric Institute, and associate clinical professor of psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons

“Joy Bauer's new book is well written, easily read, and a great guide for eating properly. Her style and 4-step outlines make it easy for anyone to understand and follow the programs. It is a great recipe for all of us to learn.” —Phillip Bauman, MD, orthopaedic consultant for the New York City Ballet


Joy Bauer, M.S., R.D., C.D.N., maintains a thriving practice where she provides counseling to both adults and children dealing with a variety of nutritional concerns. Furthermore, she has been featured on Entertainment Tonight, The View, VH1, Fox News Channel, and MSNBC, and regularly contributes to articles appearing in Fitness, Allure, Cosmopolitan, Family Circle, Ladies’ Home Journal, New York Post, and more. She received her Bachelor’s degree in kinesiological sciences from the University of Maryland and a Master of Science in nutrition and physical fitness from New York University. View titles by Joy Bauer
Carol Svec is a health researcher and freelance writer who specializes in explaining complex medical issues to consumers. Svec has more than twenty years of research experience and has written extensively for consumer health publications and websites. She lives in Wake Forest, North Carolina. View titles by Carol Svec