The Complete Idiot's Guide Dream Dictionary

Discover the Meaning of Over 1,500 Dream Symbols

15,000 entries—from abduction to zebra . . . 

Everybody dreams—and now there’s a dream dictionary for everyone! With 15,000 entries, this reference showcases the most up-to-date vocabulary of dream symbols, such as cell phones. It also includes a dream thesaurus with handy list collections of entries by topic; a dream quiz that offers revealing insights into your dream personality; a section called “Tuck-in Time,” which provides terrific strategies for inviting, inducing, and remembering dreams; and a dream interpretation checklist, helping readers interpret their dreams step–by–step.

• Popular reference dictionary format
• Focuses on symbols, meanings, and interpretations

Eve Adamson is a veteran pet writer with hundreds of published articles and is contributing editor to Dog Fancy. She is also co-author of several books including The Complete Idiot’s Guide  to Yoga Illustrated, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Meditation, and Empowering Your Life with Joy. View titles by Eve Adamson


15,000 entries—from abduction to zebra . . . 

Everybody dreams—and now there’s a dream dictionary for everyone! With 15,000 entries, this reference showcases the most up-to-date vocabulary of dream symbols, such as cell phones. It also includes a dream thesaurus with handy list collections of entries by topic; a dream quiz that offers revealing insights into your dream personality; a section called “Tuck-in Time,” which provides terrific strategies for inviting, inducing, and remembering dreams; and a dream interpretation checklist, helping readers interpret their dreams step–by–step.

• Popular reference dictionary format
• Focuses on symbols, meanings, and interpretations


Eve Adamson is a veteran pet writer with hundreds of published articles and is contributing editor to Dog Fancy. She is also co-author of several books including The Complete Idiot’s Guide  to Yoga Illustrated, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Meditation, and Empowering Your Life with Joy. View titles by Eve Adamson