Vivir en Equilibrio

En esta obra inspiradora, el autor de libros de mayor venta y conferencista, Wayne W. Dyer, te demuestra cómo restaurar el equilibrio en tu vida, brindándote los principios de realineación de tus pensamientos para que se correspondan con tus deseos más profundos. Imagina una báscula con un extremo dirigido hacia la tierra y el otro (aquel con los objetos de tus deseos), sobresaliendo precariamente en el aire. Esta báscula es una medida de tus pensamientos. Para restaurar el mismo equilibrio que caracteriza a todo en nuestro universo, debes elevar tus pensamientos más pesados ​​para que coincidan con tus deseos. Las estaciones reflejan la armonía general de la vida. Por ejemplo, el invierno pasa y surgen las flores. Esto se equilibra con la necesidad de que los árboles descansen, por lo que el otoño llega a tiempo y ayuda a los árboles a prepararse para otro período de reposo. Este libro está dedicado a la idea de que somos un componente vital de este proceso creativo y que tenemos en nuestro interior los recursos para crear todo lo que deseamos si reconocemos y revisamos los pensamientos que están fuera de equilibrio.
Affectionately called the "father of motivation" by his fans, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer was an internationally renowned author, speaker, and pioneer in the field of self-development. Over the four decades of his career, he wrote more than 40 books (21 of which became New York Times bestsellers), created numerous audio programs and videos, and appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. His books Manifest Your Destiny, Wisdom of the Ages, There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem, and the New York Times bestsellers 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace, The Power of Intention, Inspiration, Change Your Thoughts—Change Your Life, Excuses Begone!, Wishes Fulfilled, and I Can See Clearly Now were all featured as National Public Television specials.Wayne held a doctorate in educational counseling from Wayne State University, had been an associate professor at St. John’s University in New York, and honored a lifetime commitment to learning and finding the Higher Self. In 2015, he left his body, returning to Infinite Source to embark on his next adventure.Website: Kristina Tracy is a writer, mom, and many other things (wife, gardener, decorator, horseback rider). She lives in Olivenhain, California with her husband and two children, Ava and Dane.


En esta obra inspiradora, el autor de libros de mayor venta y conferencista, Wayne W. Dyer, te demuestra cómo restaurar el equilibrio en tu vida, brindándote los principios de realineación de tus pensamientos para que se correspondan con tus deseos más profundos. Imagina una báscula con un extremo dirigido hacia la tierra y el otro (aquel con los objetos de tus deseos), sobresaliendo precariamente en el aire. Esta báscula es una medida de tus pensamientos. Para restaurar el mismo equilibrio que caracteriza a todo en nuestro universo, debes elevar tus pensamientos más pesados ​​para que coincidan con tus deseos. Las estaciones reflejan la armonía general de la vida. Por ejemplo, el invierno pasa y surgen las flores. Esto se equilibra con la necesidad de que los árboles descansen, por lo que el otoño llega a tiempo y ayuda a los árboles a prepararse para otro período de reposo. Este libro está dedicado a la idea de que somos un componente vital de este proceso creativo y que tenemos en nuestro interior los recursos para crear todo lo que deseamos si reconocemos y revisamos los pensamientos que están fuera de equilibrio.


Affectionately called the "father of motivation" by his fans, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer was an internationally renowned author, speaker, and pioneer in the field of self-development. Over the four decades of his career, he wrote more than 40 books (21 of which became New York Times bestsellers), created numerous audio programs and videos, and appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. His books Manifest Your Destiny, Wisdom of the Ages, There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem, and the New York Times bestsellers 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace, The Power of Intention, Inspiration, Change Your Thoughts—Change Your Life, Excuses Begone!, Wishes Fulfilled, and I Can See Clearly Now were all featured as National Public Television specials.Wayne held a doctorate in educational counseling from Wayne State University, had been an associate professor at St. John’s University in New York, and honored a lifetime commitment to learning and finding the Higher Self. In 2015, he left his body, returning to Infinite Source to embark on his next adventure.Website: Kristina Tracy is a writer, mom, and many other things (wife, gardener, decorator, horseback rider). She lives in Olivenhain, California with her husband and two children, Ava and Dane.