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Yo amo a Mamá, con La oruga muy hambrienta (I Love Mom with The Very Hungry Caterpillar Spanish Edition)

Author Eric Carle
Translated by Isabel Mendoza
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On sale Feb 04, 2025 | 2 Minutes | 9780593948811
Age 3-5 years | Up to Kindergarten
¡Homenajea a Mamá con esta edición en español del libro superventas #1 de The New York Times I Love Mom with The Very Hungry Caterpillar!
Demuéstrale a Mamá lo mucho que significa para ti con este colorido libro del Mundo de Eric Carl, ¡y únete al homenaje que La oruga muy hambrienta les rinde a los padres y madres increíbles de todo el mundo! Con alegres ilustraciones y coloridas criaturas, este encantador recuerdo es perfecto para regalar en el Día de San Valentín, el Día de la Madre o cualquier otro día del año. Es una hermosa manera de demostrarles a madres y padres, abuelas y abuelos, futuras madres, tías, amigas o amigos, o a quien sea que llames “Mamá” lo importante que es para ti.


Celebrate Mom's special day with The Very Hungry Caterpillar in this colorful book, adapted for audio.

Show Mom just how much she means with this audiobook from the World of Eric Carle. Join The Very Hungry Caterpillar as he honors Mother's Day and celebrates incredible parents everywhere. This charming story is a great way to show parents, grandparents, soon-to-be mothers, aunts, friends, or whomever you call "Mom" just how much you care.
© Penguin Random House
Born in the United States, Eric Carle was taken as a six-year-old child by his parents back to their native country, Germany. Later, he studied at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste (Academy of Applied Arts) in Stuttgart, and returned to New York in his early twenties as a graphic designer and artist. His many picture books are now known and loved by children around the world.
In 2002, Eric and his late wife, Barbara, opened The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, in Amherst, Massachusetts, where the works of distinguished picture book artists, nationally and internationally acclaimed, are exhibited in three spacious galleries.

Eric Carle passed away in 2021, at the age of 91. View titles by Eric Carle


¡Homenajea a Mamá con esta edición en español del libro superventas #1 de The New York Times I Love Mom with The Very Hungry Caterpillar!
Demuéstrale a Mamá lo mucho que significa para ti con este colorido libro del Mundo de Eric Carl, ¡y únete al homenaje que La oruga muy hambrienta les rinde a los padres y madres increíbles de todo el mundo! Con alegres ilustraciones y coloridas criaturas, este encantador recuerdo es perfecto para regalar en el Día de San Valentín, el Día de la Madre o cualquier otro día del año. Es una hermosa manera de demostrarles a madres y padres, abuelas y abuelos, futuras madres, tías, amigas o amigos, o a quien sea que llames “Mamá” lo importante que es para ti.


Celebrate Mom's special day with The Very Hungry Caterpillar in this colorful book, adapted for audio.

Show Mom just how much she means with this audiobook from the World of Eric Carle. Join The Very Hungry Caterpillar as he honors Mother's Day and celebrates incredible parents everywhere. This charming story is a great way to show parents, grandparents, soon-to-be mothers, aunts, friends, or whomever you call "Mom" just how much you care.


© Penguin Random House
Born in the United States, Eric Carle was taken as a six-year-old child by his parents back to their native country, Germany. Later, he studied at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste (Academy of Applied Arts) in Stuttgart, and returned to New York in his early twenties as a graphic designer and artist. His many picture books are now known and loved by children around the world.
In 2002, Eric and his late wife, Barbara, opened The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, in Amherst, Massachusetts, where the works of distinguished picture book artists, nationally and internationally acclaimed, are exhibited in three spacious galleries.

Eric Carle passed away in 2021, at the age of 91. View titles by Eric Carle