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Esto es propaganda vegana 

(y otras mentiras de la industria cárnica)

Author Ed Winters
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On sale May 28, 2024 | 9 Hours and 14 Minutes | 9780593869376
Cada vez que comemos tenemos el poder de transformar radicalmente el mundo en que vivimos. Nuestras elecciones pueden ayudar a aliviar los problemas más acuciantes a los que nos enfrentamos hoy en día: la crisis climática, las enfermedades infecciosas y crónicas, la explotación humana y, por supuesto, la explotación no humana. Es innegable que puede resultar incómodo informarse sobre estos temas, pero no se pueden exagerar los beneficios de hacerlo. Se trata, literalmente, de una cuestión de vida o muerte.
Mediante la exploración de las principales formas en que nuestro actual sistema de cría de animales afecta al mundo que nos rodea, así como de los factores culturales y psicológicos que impulsan nuestros comportamientos, Esto es propaganda vegana responde a la apremiante pregunta de si existe una forma mejor de hacerlo. Tanto si ya eres vegano como si tienes curiosidad por saber más, este libro te mostrará la otra cara de la historia que ha permanecido oculta durante demasiado tiempo. Basándose en años de investigación y conversaciones con trabajadores de mataderos y granjeros, filósofos defensores de los derechos de los animales, ecologistas y consumidores cotidianos, Ed Winters, educador y conferenciante vegano, le proporcionará los conocimientos necesarios para comprender la verdadera escala y enormidad de las cuestiones que están en juego.Esto es propaganda vegana es el libro empoderante e innovador sobre el veganismo que todos, veganos y escépticos por igual, necesitan leer.


Every time we eat, we have the power to radically transform the world we live in.

Our choices can help alleviate the most pressing issues we face today: the climate crisis, infectious and chronic diseases, human exploitation and, of course, non-human exploitation. Undeniably, these issues can be uncomfortable to learn about but the benefits of doing so cannot be overstated. It is quite literally a matter of life and death.

Through exploring the major ways that our current system of animal farming affects the world around us, as well as the cultural and psychological factors that drive our behaviors, This Is Vegan Propaganda answers the pressing question, is there a better way? Whether you are a vegan already or curious to learn more, this book will show you the other side of the story that has been hidden for far too long.

Based on years of research and conversations with slaughterhouse workers and farmers, to animal rights philosophers, environmentalists, and everyday consumers, vegan educator and public speaker Ed Winters will give you the knowledge to understand the true scale and enormity of the issues at stake.

This Is Vegan Propaganda is the empowering and groundbreaking book on veganism that everyone, vegan and skeptic alike, needs to read.
Ed Winters is a compassionate activist, best-selling author and vegan educator from the UK, widely known for his award-winning viral online content. He is a prolific public speaker who has been invited to schools, universities and businesses across the world, including major companies such as Google, Meta and American Express. Ed has given speeches at over a third of UK universities and at every Ivy League college in the US. In 2022, Ed taught as a Media & Design Fellow at Harvard University.

Ed has also given two TEDx talks that have amassed over 2.4 million views online. His viral university speech You Will Never Look at Your Life in the Same Way Again has over 35 million views online. Ed has been invited numerous times on to live television and radio, including for the BBC and ITV, and has been featured by media outlets including LadBible, The Times, the Independent and the Guardian. View titles by Ed Winters


Cada vez que comemos tenemos el poder de transformar radicalmente el mundo en que vivimos. Nuestras elecciones pueden ayudar a aliviar los problemas más acuciantes a los que nos enfrentamos hoy en día: la crisis climática, las enfermedades infecciosas y crónicas, la explotación humana y, por supuesto, la explotación no humana. Es innegable que puede resultar incómodo informarse sobre estos temas, pero no se pueden exagerar los beneficios de hacerlo. Se trata, literalmente, de una cuestión de vida o muerte.
Mediante la exploración de las principales formas en que nuestro actual sistema de cría de animales afecta al mundo que nos rodea, así como de los factores culturales y psicológicos que impulsan nuestros comportamientos, Esto es propaganda vegana responde a la apremiante pregunta de si existe una forma mejor de hacerlo. Tanto si ya eres vegano como si tienes curiosidad por saber más, este libro te mostrará la otra cara de la historia que ha permanecido oculta durante demasiado tiempo. Basándose en años de investigación y conversaciones con trabajadores de mataderos y granjeros, filósofos defensores de los derechos de los animales, ecologistas y consumidores cotidianos, Ed Winters, educador y conferenciante vegano, le proporcionará los conocimientos necesarios para comprender la verdadera escala y enormidad de las cuestiones que están en juego.Esto es propaganda vegana es el libro empoderante e innovador sobre el veganismo que todos, veganos y escépticos por igual, necesitan leer.


Every time we eat, we have the power to radically transform the world we live in.

Our choices can help alleviate the most pressing issues we face today: the climate crisis, infectious and chronic diseases, human exploitation and, of course, non-human exploitation. Undeniably, these issues can be uncomfortable to learn about but the benefits of doing so cannot be overstated. It is quite literally a matter of life and death.

Through exploring the major ways that our current system of animal farming affects the world around us, as well as the cultural and psychological factors that drive our behaviors, This Is Vegan Propaganda answers the pressing question, is there a better way? Whether you are a vegan already or curious to learn more, this book will show you the other side of the story that has been hidden for far too long.

Based on years of research and conversations with slaughterhouse workers and farmers, to animal rights philosophers, environmentalists, and everyday consumers, vegan educator and public speaker Ed Winters will give you the knowledge to understand the true scale and enormity of the issues at stake.

This Is Vegan Propaganda is the empowering and groundbreaking book on veganism that everyone, vegan and skeptic alike, needs to read.


Ed Winters is a compassionate activist, best-selling author and vegan educator from the UK, widely known for his award-winning viral online content. He is a prolific public speaker who has been invited to schools, universities and businesses across the world, including major companies such as Google, Meta and American Express. Ed has given speeches at over a third of UK universities and at every Ivy League college in the US. In 2022, Ed taught as a Media & Design Fellow at Harvard University.

Ed has also given two TEDx talks that have amassed over 2.4 million views online. His viral university speech You Will Never Look at Your Life in the Same Way Again has over 35 million views online. Ed has been invited numerous times on to live television and radio, including for the BBC and ITV, and has been featured by media outlets including LadBible, The Times, the Independent and the Guardian. View titles by Ed Winters