On the planet of Celta, where psychic talents thrive and desires flourish, Straif Blackthorne is the last of his kind. After his family dies due to a genetic disorder, Straif is determined to find a cure and rebuild his heritage. Nothing else matters--until he meets Mitchella Clover. But Straif cannot give Mitchella his heart, for she is unable to bear children. Only when tragedy threatens to destroy them do they realize what truly matters, and what they truly mean to each other.
Robin D. Owens is the RITA Award-winning author of the Celta novels, including Heart LegacyHeart Fire, and Heart Fortune. She lives in Colorado. View titles by Robin D. Owens


On the planet of Celta, where psychic talents thrive and desires flourish, Straif Blackthorne is the last of his kind. After his family dies due to a genetic disorder, Straif is determined to find a cure and rebuild his heritage. Nothing else matters--until he meets Mitchella Clover. But Straif cannot give Mitchella his heart, for she is unable to bear children. Only when tragedy threatens to destroy them do they realize what truly matters, and what they truly mean to each other.


Robin D. Owens is the RITA Award-winning author of the Celta novels, including Heart LegacyHeart Fire, and Heart Fortune. She lives in Colorado. View titles by Robin D. Owens