Photographed in full color. Beautiful color photographs of babies and their world of toys and other familiar objects present a truly first ABC.  
Steve Shevett is a photographer known for his work on Broadway and for his books Baby's ABC and Good Night Little Wrinkle.  View titles by Steve Shevett
Anita Shevett is a photographer known for her work on Broadway and for her books Baby's ABC and Good Night Little Wrinkle.  View titles by Anita Shevett


Photographed in full color. Beautiful color photographs of babies and their world of toys and other familiar objects present a truly first ABC.  


Steve Shevett is a photographer known for his work on Broadway and for his books Baby's ABC and Good Night Little Wrinkle.  View titles by Steve Shevett
Anita Shevett is a photographer known for her work on Broadway and for her books Baby's ABC and Good Night Little Wrinkle.  View titles by Anita Shevett