Introduction: Articulating Autotheories
Alex Brostoff and Vilashini Cooppan
Part I: Body Disciplines
1 Impossible Professions: Autotheory, Psychoanalysis, Pedagogy
Emma Lieber, Jessica Bush, and John Patterson
2 That Obscure Object of Embodiment: On Autotheory’s Disciplinary Knowledges
Jan Grue
3 Autoethnography, Undone: Toward a Crip Critique of Ethnographic Realism
Megan Moodie
4 This Baby’s Got the Feel of a Girl: Trans Memoir, Autotheory, and Feeling as Oneself
RL Goldberg
Part II: Threshold Movements
5 The Auto- of Theory
Carla Freccero
6 Our Autotheoretical Lives
Stacey Young
7 “I’ll Take You There”: Reading Autotheory through Black Feminism
Erica Richardson
8 Failure Notes: Toward a Self-Praxis of Failure
Arianne Zwartjes
9 Begging to Differ: Autofiction, Autotheory and Contemporary French Feminisms
Lili Owen Rolands
Part III: Desiring Subjects
10 The Very Last Essay I Will Write about Ira Adelman: mestizXXX Autotheory, Pornographic Automethodologies, and Trans Autocinemas
Migueltzinta C. Solís
11 need ideas!?! PLZ!!: The Phatic Self in the Always-on Network
Damon Ross Young
12 Nova Species Mihi—Hysterical Flora
Jamieson Webster
13 This Life, This Theory
Judith Butler
Coda: Empty
Paul B. Preciado