Introduction: Control Is Not the Goal
1 Biodynamic Enactivism
2 Predictive Processing
3 The Free Energy Framework
4 One Weird Trick to Stay Alive: The FEP’s Philosophy of Life
5 Free Energy Minimization beyond the Brain
6 From Markov-Blanketed Steady State Systems to Sensorimotor Cycles
7 Seeking Closure
8 A Theory of Everything, or Just of Every “Thing”?
9 Seeking Stability with the FEP
10 Processualism and Biological Autonomy
11 Constraint Closure as the Basis of Intentionality
12 Wrapping Up
Appendix: What’s the Use of a Concrete Blanket?
A.1. God’s Great Causal Graph
A.2. Naturalised Mathematical Realism
A.3. Absolute Units
A.4. A Second Stability Requirement