Foreword xi
Lawrence J. Vale
Acknowledgments xv
Introduction 1
Kian Goh, Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris, and Vinit Mukhija
I What is Urban Design for Justice?
1 Just Urban Design Scholarship? Examining Urban Design Theories through a Justice Lens 21
Chritsopher Giamarino, Kian Goh, Anastastia Loukaitou-Sideris, and Vinit Mukhija
2 The Search for Social Justice and Public Space Framework: The Case of Older Adults in New York City During COVID-19 47
Setha Low
3 Urban Design Praxis: A Responsibility for Justice 67
Michael Rios
II What is the Public City and Inclusive Urbanism?
4 Rethinking Urban Politics through the Lens of Sovereignty: Material Assemblages for Inclusive Urbanism 87
Diane E. Davis
5 Opening up the Private City: Remaking Single-Family Zoning Neighborhoods 105
Vinit Mukhija
6 Reinstating Landscapes of Urban Resistance 125
Allison B. Hirsch
7 Air and Artifice: Bureaucrat Urban Designers in Harlem,1967 147
Rebecca Choi
III Participation and Organizing for Just Design
8 Building Community Capacity as Just Urban Design: Learning from Seattle's Chinatown International District 165
Jeffery Hou
9 Making "Public Space" Truly Public: Identifying and Overcoming Barriers to Truly Inclusive and Equitable Spaces 183
Chelina Odbert
10 Whose City? Innovations and Imaginaries and the Nehemiah Initiative's Example for Seattle 199
Rachel Berney
11 Designing Just Resilience? Innovation and Discontent in Post-Hurricane Sandy New York 217
Kian Goh
IV Deisgn for Difference
12 Urban Rights: Top Down/Bottom Up 239
Teddy Cruz and Fonna Forman
13 Empowering Difference: Just Urban Design for the Immigrant Street Vendors of Rome 257
Francesca Piazzoni and Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris
14 Building a Black Public Realm and a Public Culture: Learning from Leimert Park Village 277
Matthew Jordan-Miller Kenyatta
15 The Right to Walk in the Neighborhood: Designing Inclusive Sidewalks for Older Adults 295
Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris
Conclusion: The Struggle for a Public City 315
Kian Goh, Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris, and Vinit Mukhija
Contributors 327
Index 331