1 Introduction: Assetization and Technoscientific Capitalism
I Turning Knowledge into Assets
2 Patents as Assets: Intellectual Property Rights as Market Subjects and Objects
3 Datassets: Assetizing and Marketizing Personal Data
4 A Crisis for Cures? Tracing Assetization and Value in Biomedical Innovation
II Turning Infrastructure into Assets
5 High-Speed Contradictions: Spanish Railways between Economic Criticism and Political Defense
6 Turning Sunlit Rooftops and Windy Sites into Energy Assets
III Turning Nature into Assets
7 Expropriating the Future: Turning Ore Deposits and Legitimate Expectations into Assets
8 From Commodity to Asset and Back Again: Property in the Capitalism of Varieties
9 Turning Nature into an Asset: Corporate Strategies for Rent-Seeking
IV Turning Publics into Assets
10 English Higher Education: From a Public Good to a Public Asset
11 Recidivists, Rough Sleepers, and the Unemployed as Financial Assets: Social Impact Bonds and the Creation of New Markets in Social Services
12 Conclusion: The Future of Assetization Studies